Page 8 of The Biker's Vow

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“Things will get better. He won’t be a prospect forever.”

“He’s changed, Em. I know you don’t see it, but when we’re alone, he doesn’t touch me like he used to. Before we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. I guess the novelty has worn off for him. Either that or he has someone else he’d rather be with.”

“You don’t know that. Have you talked to him about the whole you may be having his baby thing?” I secure my seat belt as she checks her mirrors for traffic before pulling out.

“No way. He’ll get spooked and accuse me of trying to trap him.”

“Why would he think that?”

“I used to joke that he’d never be able to get rid of me because I’d have his baby, so he’d be stuck with me for at least eighteen years. It was a stupid thing to say.”

“I’m sure he knows you were screwing around.”

“Maybe, but seems like he is always looking for a reason to be mad at me or pick a fight.”

I don’t have a response to that. I can understand how she could see it that way, but on the outside, she is on his ass a lot about where he’s at and who he is with. Like she’s so determined to accuse him of something that he’s going to do it out of spite. Smoke and I talk about it sometimes that if someone is always on you saying you’re doing something, eventually you get to a point of saying fuck it and doing it.

She drives toward the clubhouse lost in her own thoughts.

One of the other prospects is working the gate, but he recognizes Sabrina’s car by now.

Once parked, Sabrina takes a minute to touch up her makeup. She worked a split shift at the daycare before picking me up. Jimmy’s truck nor his bike are here.

We make our way inside. Music plays low through the sound system. I spot my man playing poker with a group the guys just as he said. There are some girls dancing on the poles, but I’m not bothered. I’ve been around long enough to witness that most of the guys may like to look, but they don’t touch.

Pam has no issue sharing what went down between her and Link when they hit a rough patch that resulted in him cheating on her in a very public way. Since then, the guys take a lot more care when it comes to how they behave with other women, especially when their Ol’ Lady may walk in and see it with their own eyes. Although Pam has forgiven Link and they’ve worked out their issues, she can’t hide the pain that flashes across her features when she talks about it.

Hound taps Smoke on the shoulder, alerting him to my entrance. Sabrina grabs a stool at the bar and chats up Angel. No doubt trying to get information on Jimmy. I leave her to it. I only have eyes for one man right now.

Smoke’s lips stretch big and wide when he sees me flashing his pearly whites. The way he stares at me like he’s never seen anyone more beautiful makes melt every time. He motions me over, scooting his chair back so I can drop my ass right where he wants me. Onto his lap. Latching an arm around my center, he drops his cards on the table, not caring if he’s exposed his hand. His firm lips find mine, his tongue sliding inside my mouth, claiming every piece of me.

When Smoke kisses me, the rest of the world fades to black and there’s nothing in existence but the steady beat of his heart beneath my palm and the woodsy scent of his cologne soothing my soul. His tongue wars for control, tasting of beer and pizza. Giving my hip a squeeze, he pulls back and says, “you sure you don’t want to call it a night now and go upstairs?”

“Nice try, but I promised Sabrina.”

“Hmm.” He grumbles but doesn't push. “What are you two getting into, anyway?”

“Probably dinner and a trip to Walmart. Do you need me to pick up anything?”

“Nah. I’m about to head to the house in a bit. After I take all these fool’s money.” He grins and Hound snorts.

“Better quit while you can,” Crawl tells him.

“Top me off before you go, babydoll.” He hands me an empty bottle off the table. I roll my eyes but do it. I’d rather he asks me than one of the clubwhores looking for a reason to flirt. I trust Smoke after all we went through with the whole Shiloh situation. I don’t think he’d cheat on me, but sometimes self-doubt creeps in and takes hold. Seeing the downfall of Sabrina and Jimmy’s relationship playing out in real time doesn’t help, either.

I strut to the bar and trade Angel the empty bottle for a cold, full one.

“When is the big day?”

“What do you mean?”

“Hasn’t Smoke popped the question to make it official yet?”

Why is everyone constantly on me?

My heart leaps to my throat at the idea of marriage, because of what comes after it. The baby carriage. The one I may never put a child in. I don’t want her to think there’s a crack in our relationship, either. Not that there is one. Only I’ve been warned one time too many about club girls and I’ve watched them in action. Angel included. I haven’t forgotten her little performance when I was flirting with Creed for all of five minutes when I was fighting with Smoke.

The dude was a total player and I’m not mad at Angel for playing the game, but it doesn't mean I like her or that I would ever trust her not to make a pass at my man if given the opportunity.

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