Page 7 of The Biker's Vow

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“Yup.” I’m having a good time, but am happy to take off before the conversation circles back around to having kids and getting married.

What I haven’t told Smoke or anyone else is that when I went to get my prescription for birth control, I got freaked out and didn’t go to the appointment. We’ve been having unprotected sex all this time, and I’m scared that it means there’s something wrong with me. What if I can’t give him the family he wants?

I know Pam and Link’s story. They tried for years and eventually adopted, and Link still cheated on her. After all they went through, she finally conceived.

We’re not the same and I know that. Doesn’t mean I’m not scared if Smoke learns that I possibly can’t have children that he will no longer want me. He could leave me for someone who can.

I finish wiping down my station for the night now that my last appointment has left and wait for Sabrina to pick me up. Roane offered to drive me home, but I promised Sabrina that I’d help her spy on Jimmy. She’s convinced herself that he’s seeing someone else and has been too chicken shit to take a pregnancy test. I’m doing what any good best friend would do. I’m entertaining Sabrina’s suspicions and supporting her.

Tonight we are getting decked out and going undercover to stalk Jimmy. I hate that she believes her only choice is to stoop to this level, but a girl must do what she needs to for peace of mind.

My cell pings with a text from Smoke. I don’t relish lying to him about where I’m going and why. He’d tell me that it’s borrowing trouble and childish. It would be to him. He’s thirty-six years old. Well, close to it. His birthday is coming up. I have no clue what to get him.

Still doing your girl’s night with loudmouth?

Ha. Funny. Yes. Waiting for Sabrina to pick me up. What are you doing?

Playing cards with the guys.

Strip poker?

Now, who is being funny? You going to stop by and see me before you go out?

If you want me to.

Will give a ride on the pole.

The fire pole or your pole?


I’ve been in the bunkroom. No thank you.

I’m not at the station. Come by the clubhouse.

Is Jimmy there?

Not that I can see.

Do you know where he is?


I’m about to type out a response, but Sabrina pulls up in front of the shop.

I wave to Roane. “That’ll be my ride. Tell Jules and the kiddos hey for me.”

“Night, sweetheart.”

He flips off the lights as I walk out to the car. He could have left earlier but never does. Not until he knows everyone is safe in their vehicle. I lucked out in the boss department. Not only can I make my own schedule as long as I get my hours in, but Roane goes above and beyond to see that everyone who works for him is taken care of. Jules drops by with lunch and dinner when the mood strikes. They’ve been very good to me.

“Hey,” I greet Sabrina as I slide into the passenger seat. “Do you mind swinging by the clubhouse for a few so I can see Smoke?”

“You two are sickening. Can’t stay away, can you?” She grins, but I catch a glimpse of sadness in her eyes.

“Guess we are still in the honeymoon stage of dating.”

“I love getting to see you all the time, but I regret making this move,” she confesses.

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