Page 24 of The Biker's Vow

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I fucked Creed, and I’m not sorry. No regrets. Why should I feel guilty? Smoke didn’t wait five minutes before shoving his dick down Angel’s throat.

“What would you have done if he told you he wanted to go fuck someone else to see if he had stronger feelings for them?”

“I know. I apologized.”

My brother shakes his head, looking at me as though I disgust him. If only he knew that I wasn’t the only one that fucked up. I don’t know why I’m protecting Smoke. I guess I don’t want to be the reason my brother hates him. I know they are close.

He doesn’t mention Creed, so I’m guessing he’s kept his mouth shut about us. I’ve not heard from him either. Not that I want to.

“I fucked up. I never claimed to be perfect. Why is everyone mad at me?”

“No one is mad at you.”

“Pam called and told me that I screwed up her baby bet.”

“You know she was bullshitting.”

“What if he meets someone else?”

“Do you want to get married and start popping out kids?”

“I don’t know.”

“Then, until you do, you need to move on and give him the courtesy of being able to do the same. You’re in different places. Maybe you’ll get back together one day. Maybe you won't. But sitting here throwing a pity party isn’t going to do you any favors.”

“I’ll take a shower.”


“Go see Roane about my job.”


“Have you talked to him?”


“Are you lying to me?”

“Go get cleaned up.”

“What am I going to do? Where will I go?”

“Zoe says you can stay with us if you want, but I can float you for a few months to get you in your own place if you still have an income.”

“You’d do that for me?”

“You’re my sister. Of course.”

“I miss him,” I confess. The admission is like shards of glass slicing through my tongue, but despite everything, I loved him.

Deep down, I still do.

I love him and I want him back.

“You gotta give him space. And he’s gearing up to ride out with Prez. You blowing his phone up will do more harm than good.”

“He’s not texted me. Not even once.”

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