Page 7 of Her Bully

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“Is she holding a grudge or something?”

“Something like that. Brit says I’ll regret it, but honestly… I wish I’d called it quits sooner.”

“That’s understandable. I broke up with Matt when I found out that I’d be moving here with Uncle John.”

“Sorry about your dad, by the way.”

I shrug. I get the sentiment, but I never understood that phrase. Sorry for your loss. Like, what do they have to be sorry for? They don’t have anything to apologize for. “All that at school today…the wolf pack crap. What’s that all about?”

“It’s just bullshit. Survival of the fittest and all that.”

“So that’s not who you really are. It’s a show for everyone else?”

“Stop analyzing me.” He tosses the butt of his cigarette into the water.

I rub my hands up and down my arms.

“You’re cold. Here.” Kyson shrugs his jacket off and puts it over my shoulders.

“Thanks.” I push my arms through the heavy sleeves. The scent of his cigarette and his cologne wraps around me, and I breathe him in, hating myself for the butterflies that are fluttering in the pit of my stomach at the intoxicating smell. Why are the jerks and bad boys always so damn irresistible? I can’t ascertain what to make of Kyson. One second, he’s rude and the next he can be incredibly sweet. I have whiplash and it hasn’t been one day.

How will I survive a full school year?

“You like the arcade?”

“Duh. Who doesn’t?”

“Most girls,” he mutters, slinging an arm along my shoulders and guiding me toward the pier.

“You’ve been hanging with the wrong ones then.”

That earns me a laugh and the first genuine smile I think Kyson has ever given me. Full and big, lips stretched wide.

Amusement twinkles in his eyes, briefly.

His mood goes from zero to sixty within seconds of entering the pizzeria slash arcade. Remy and Gauge are here accompanied by a chick with jet black hair and neon green tips. Her jaw drops when her gaze settles on Kyson’s arm around my neck. Not to mention that I’m wearing his jacket. I feel that Kyson just painted a giant bullseye on my forehead. This girl looks ready to tear my head off. If her eyes weren’t all squinty and her mouth held tight in a grimace, she might be pretty.

“Let me guess. That’s your ex.”

“Yup. Pay no mind to Britney. Ignore her. I plan to.”

“Don’t you want to hang out with your friends?”

“Cousin fucker,” Remy says on a cough and Gauge and that emo looking girl bust out laughing.

“What friends?” He shakes his head. “Come on. Let’s grab a table.”

I clearly missed something, because not even an hour ago, they were part of his wolf pack. It doesn’t matter. It’s none of my business, and I realize if I ask, he’ll only shut me down. “They do grasp the concept that we’re not related, right?”

“Told you to ignore them.”

“Okay then.” I slide into the booth and Kyson sits across from me. I take off his jacket and try to give it back to him.

“Keep it.”

“Look, if you’re trying to use me to make that girl jealous…”

“I dumped her. And it’s not that.”

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