Page 6 of Her Bully

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Only the most popular and fine ass in our school and possibly the planet.

I hear what sounds like the front door closing and then a truck revving up.

Heavy steps sound on the hardwood stairs. A door slams shut, and I exhale.

Guess this means the kitchen is safe. I didn’t get to eat lunch today, and I didn’t have anything for breakfast other than a granola bar.

Downstairs in the kitchen, I open the fridge to grab a bottled water. There’s not much of a selection to choose from When I close the door, I nearly jump out of my skin. Kyson is right in my face.

“Good. You still have your shoes on. Let’s go.”


“No one is ever home for a family dinner in this house. So, if you want to eat, let’s go.”

“Why? That way you can leave me stranded again? No thanks.”

“You seemed to make it here in one piece.” He grabs a tendril of my hair and yanks on it. I slap his hand away and he grabs my wrist. “You engaged or something?” The pad of his thumb rubs over the heart-shaped diamond on my ring finger.

“It’s a purity ring.”

His lips twitch. “What, like you’re a virgin or something?”

“None of your business.”

“Whatever. Do you want to go get food or not? Mom’s on one of her health kicks. Unless you plan to survive on air and water, I’m your ticket to greasy pizza heaven.”

My stomach gurgles in response.

“Okay. I just need to grab my phone and wallet.”

“You don’t need them. My treat to make up for leaving you at the school. I was pissed and took it out on you. Let me make up for it.”

I’m skeptical of why he’s being so nice all the sudden. Maybe he’s afraid I’ll tattle on him for ditching me.

Either way, I’m starving.

Chapter Three

I climb into the passenger side of the Dodge Charger. The scent of his red leather seats fills my senses. Kyson reaches to the backseat and grabs a plain black fitted cap and sticks it on my head backwards.

“Don’t want your hair flying everywhere,” he mutters and starts the car. Hard rock filters through the speakers as he backs down the driveway and onto the road. The car shoots forward, and I reach for my seat belt. I don’t plan on dying today, and I get the idea he drives this car hard and fast.

He drives us to the boardwalk without making any conversation. The quiet is nice after the day I’ve had. The car shuts off, and I steal a glance his way. His knuckles are gripping the steering wheel in a way that has me wondering what his problem is. Brows drawn inward, lips tipped down, his gaze meets mine.

“Care if we take a walk first? My ex is here, and I don’t want to deal with her basic bitch bullshit right now.”

“Sure.” I toss his ball cap into the backseat.

“Good.” He exits the car and digs a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out of the right pocket of his red and white letterman jacket. I fall in step next to him as he lights one up.

I want to comment on how bad cigarettes are, but he’d probably tell me I sound like an after school special, so I refrain. We’re semi-getting along right now, and I don’t want to ruin the moment. The breeze blowing in off the ocean is chilly, but for late September it’s not unusual.

Kyson sucks in a hard drag off his Marlboro and stops to stare out at the ocean.

“When did you and the girlfriend breakup?”

“Last week.”

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