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Gabriel looks up from his desk as I knock on his open door.

“Ready?” he asks, his voice casual, offering no hint of the breakdown he just witnessed.

I move towards the window and stare out over the city. The lights give a surreal aura. “It’s a beautiful view.”

“During the long winter mornings, the lights reflect off the other buildings. In the summer, it’s the sun,” he says. I jump as Gabriel appears next to me. “Are you ready?” he asks.

When I nod, he turns away and grabs his laptop bag.

“I’m sorry,” I say, breaking the silence as we walk to the elevator.

“What for?”

I want to laugh at the confused look on his face.

“Ruining your evening with your brother.”

My stomach sinks when I realise it’s not only Gabriel who witnessed my monumental downfall.

Gabriel huffs. “Saved me more like,” he says, and I notice his lips twitch, but he holds back on a smile.

“Well, I’m sorry. What happened was totally unprofessional.” I baulk at the last words out of my mouth, shocked when Gabriel turns to face me.

“Tonight, from what I understand, was not your fault. We can control our own actions, but not those of others.” He pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes for a second. “You have nothing to apologise for. I didn’t hear you raise your voice, smash a glass or scream abuse. From what you’ve told me, it was not the time or place for that discussion. It should be Vince and his girlfriend offering an apology.”

I hold my jaw in place. That’s probably the longest sentence, not work-related, I’ve ever heard Gabriel give.

The ding of the elevator saves me. Gabriel stands back and lets me enter before following and pushing the button for the car park.

The doors open into the basement. The fluorescent lighting illuminates the parking bays and concrete blocks that support the twenty-five floors above us. This space is usually full of beautiful, expensive cars, but this evening, it’s empty.

A movement at the far side of the car park reveals one of the building’s many security guards. He waves over before continuing his sweep. I follow Gabriel over to his parking spot. My pulse speeds up, and I stop still, my eyes taking in the beautiful car in front of me. I’ve heard Caleb ribbing his brother about his car and seen a picture, but up close... It has a sporty, low-slung front, sleek headlights, and glistening ruby-red paintwork. It’s a thing of immense beauty. If falling in love with an inanimate object was possible, the Alfa-Romeo 33 Stradale would be the one.

If Gabriel notices my drooling, he says nothing. Instead, he takes my holdall and clicks a button that opens the butterfly doors. I hold my breath as they rise like wings, exposing the stunning leather and aluminium interior.

“It’s okay. I only had half a glass of wine. I’m safe to drive,” Gabriel says suddenly.

In all honesty, it was not something I’d thought about. Instead of replying, I step forward, lowering myself into the passenger seat. Once I’m settled, Gabriel lowers the door, which closes with a gentle click. The faint aroma of leather invades my senses. I look in the mirror as the back raises like the doors. Gabriel drops our belongings inside. Once he’s done, he makes his way to the driver’s side, sliding into the bucket seat with ease and experience. His trousers draw tight across his thighs. The muscles flex as he positions himself to drive. His door closes, encasing us in luxury.

The fact he settled me into the car first shouldn’t surprise me. He may be a billionaire, but his manners are impeccable.

Dragged up right, my mum would say.

I think it’s more the case of raised correctly.

It’s unlikely that there was much dragging up in the Frazer household.

I watch him out of the corner of my eye, his powerful hands confidently moving over the controls. It’s clear he loves his car. The deep growl of the engine echoes around the car park, bringing a smile to my face. The movement catches Gabriel’s attention because he turns to look at me.

“What? Can’t a girl appreciate the start of a beautiful car?”

I shrug, grinning.

Gabriel returns my grin. The shock of it steals my breath. This is undoubtedly his favourite toy.

He nods and returns his attention to the car, putting it in gear and driving us towards the exit. The car’s throaty roar bounces off the walls until we finally make it past the barrier and onto the street.

We travel in silence. I stare out the window before my eyes are drawn to the panoramic windows built into the roof. Their design showcases the buildings we’re passing. I’m acutely aware of Gabriel as he manoeuvres this powerful machine through the city streets. My eyes lock on his hands as they grip the steering wheel. It’s the first time in eight years, I’ve noticed how beautiful his hands are. His long, strong fingers and smooth skin, the way the muscles contract every time he moves. I turn once more to look out of the window before he catches my freakish behaviour.

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