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“Yes, I did,” she says, her smile hollow. “It meant I got through it.”

I understand her logic.

“What happened tonight?”

Leah pauses, uncertainty clouding her features. Her shoulders drop. “Vince’s new girlfriend announced they’re moving into the apartment he and I lived in, and that...” Leah’s face contorts as she wrestles with her emotions. “Announced that... announced that... they’re pregnant.”

The last words come out in a whoosh. Leah drags her trembling bottom lip between her teeth, her gaze returning to a spot on the floor.

We sit in silence as I let her words sink in.

“Where’s he living now?”

Leah takes a deep breath and sits up tall, shaking herself off. “He’s living with her, but apparently, her lease is up for renewal, and they want to move back into Vince’s apartment. He’s put it on the market... that’s why there’s been no rush for me to move out.”

Leah must notice my confusion as she shrugs. “The apartment is Vince’s. I’m his lodger.” She’s unable to hide the bitterness in her voice. “I’m lucky he let me stay while I find somewhere to live.”

The words, his and lodger, make my blood boil. They were engaged, and not just for five minutes. Five years! Together ten! But somehow, nothing surprises me. I never liked Vincent Lamont. I’ve met him multiple times over the years. We may both be in financial markets, but he’s brash and loud. A pretentious prick. The type of trader depicted in the movies. I’ve never understood what Leah saw in him, but then they say opposites attract. I only have to look at my family members and their partners to know how unlikely couples fall in and out of love.

Leah gets up, placing her cup on the table. Moving around the room, she gathers her belongings.

“Have you found somewhere?” I ask.

She stops what she’s doing and gives me a tight-lipped smile. “The girls and I are looking tomorrow. I’ve got about eight apartments lined up.” Her chin falls to her chest, before her head comes up, her eyes locking with mine. “Then I can move out and put all this behind me.”

“If you need any time off,” I say.

She fiercely shakes her head. “Thank you, but No. What I need is for the office to be my sanctuary.” Her eyes pleading as she looks at me. “Please.”

“Okay, but if anything changes.”

She nods, but her eyes don’t meet mine.

I stand up and move to the door. “When you’re ready to leave, give me a shout. I’ll be getting my things together. I’ll drop you home.”

Leah freezes. “You don’t have to do that,” she says.

“I know, but you’re on the way. Don’t argue. Just accept it,” I say, turning and leaving before she argues further.



Irest my hands on the edge of the desk and hang my head. Closing my eyes, I let out a shuddering sigh.


Tonight was supposed to be a new start, a fun night out with the girls. A pounding starts behind my eyes, and I pinch the bridge of my nose. Damn Vince and his bombshell. Why tonight? Eight years of cultivating a professional persona in a male-dominated office, and boom. In a few hours, I become that whimpering, emotional woman. Not to mention the makeup disaster. I was shocked when I walked into the ladies’ room, the streaks of black mascara and eyeliner coating my cheeks. I looked like something from a horror movie. Clearly, there should be a warning with make-up tutorials.

Sexy, smoky eyes-amazing. Avoid like the plague if likely to be caught in emotional dramas with your ex.

A shudder wracks my body. How did Gabriel keep a straight face? What the hell must he be thinking? I bite my lip to suppress a groan. He’s still here... waiting for me. I can’t even curl up in my heartbreak and wallow!

I disconnect my laptop and stuff it into my bag. I’ve already screwed up my dress and dumped it in my holdall. That can go to a charity shop on Monday, along with the heels. It will be too soon if I never see either of them again.

My phone flashes with several missed calls and messages. I stuff it in my bag. I’ll deal with those at home. I need to get out of here before the thin thread I’m dangling from snaps and plummets me into a free fall.

Leaving my office, I make my way across the floor, past the team’s desk cubicles.

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