Page 6 of Stay Real

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Sterling: Twins run in the family. Don’t knock me out of the running.

Orrin: What Sterling said.

Rushton: Caden is two. It’s time, and yeah, don’t count us out just yet.

Archer: I have some catching up to do.

Ryder: As soon as my wife tells me she’s ready. I’m guessing she wants more than nine months between pregnancies. I never walk away from a challenge.

Ryder: Give my boy a kiss for me.

Me: And Jordyn?

Ryder: Merrick!

This time, I laugh out loud, causing Finn to jump in my arms. “I’m sorry, buddy. Your daddy is too easy to rile up.” Shoving my phone back into my pocket, I head out to the main show area so Finn can see his momma.

“Merrick, why is my husband texting me, telling me to stay away from you?”

I’m still smiling. I can’t help it. I love annoying my brothers. Maverick and I have lived our entire lives in their shadows, and as the babies of the family, we took our job to be the annoying little brothers seriously. Although my twin still teams up with me, he’s a daddy to three and a husband, so he doesn’t have as much time for our antics as he did before he had his own family. I’m happy for him, but I do miss him too.

As twins, we have this freaky thing where we know what the other is feeling, and I know Maverick has never been happier. I’m thrilled for him. Hell, I’m thrilled for all of my brothers. I know my day will come when it’s meant to be. I’m a little envious of them all. They have beautiful families, and as the last man standing, I’m ready to join the ranks as husband, and one day, father.

“He told me to kiss Finn for him and I asked about you.”

She rolls her eyes, but the smile tugging at her lips tells me she’s just as amused as I am. “You knew that would get him wound up.”


“Just wait. You keep giving them a hard time, they’re going to pay you back tenfold.”

“I have strong shoulders, right, Finn? Uncle Merrick can take it.”

“You want me to take him?” Jordyn offers.

“Nah, do what you need to do. I’ve got no plans for the rest of the day. I’ll keep him occupied while you work.”

“Thank you, Merrick. He’s due for a bottle soon.”

“You hungry, little man?” I ask my nephew. He lifts his head to look at me, and my heart melts for this kid. Not just him, for all of them. My brothers and their wives sure make some cute kids. Finn sticks his fist in his mouth, and I laugh. “Noted. Time to eat.”

Turning, I walk back to the back room that’s set up as a nursery and make his bottle one-handed, something I’ve mastered with the older nieces and nephews. I grab a receiving blanket, deciding to forgo the bib. Those damn things always look so uncomfortable. Settling into the rocking chair, I kick my feet up on the ottoman, careful to let my boots hang off so Jordyn doesn’t yell at me, and offer Finn the bottle. He latches on immediately, his eyes locked on mine.

“Slow down, kiddo.” He’s sucking on his bottle as if it might be his last meal. My phone vibrates in my pocket. “Hold on a second.” I take the bottle from Finn’s mouth, and he stares up at me, and his little brow furrows. I know he’s seconds away from letting me and everyone in the building know how pissed he is that I interrupted his meal. I grab my phone, swipe at the screen, put it on speaker, and quickly pop the bottle back into Finn’s mouth.

“Shouldn’t you be working?” I ask my brother.

“Why aren’t you working?” Ryder asks.

Finn stops drinking and smiles, and I shake my head. “I took the day off. I’ve been working a shit ton of hours and just needed a day. I had breakfast at Mom and Dad’s. Dad mentioned he fixed the legs on Jordyn’s table, so I offered to drop it off on my way home.”

“Ah, that explains why you’re with my wife and son.”

“Speaking of your son, he was going to town on his bottle until he heard your voice. Now he’s grinning as his eyes search the room for you. I’ve got you on speaker,” I explain.

“Finn, hey, buddy. Daddy loves you,” Ryder says immediately. Finn coos and squeals. “You being a good boy for Mommy? Keep her away from Uncle Merrick.” I can hear the teasing tone in his voice. Finn screeches and we both laugh. “Damn, do I love being a dad,” Ryder says wistfully.

“So, what’s up?”

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