Page 7 of Stay Real

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“I’m on lunch. Just thought I’d call and see why you were with my wife and kid and not at work.”

“You’re too much, Ry.” I laugh.

“You’ll get there. One day, you’re going to get knocked on your ass and you’ll understand.”

“Jordyn loves you, Ryder. After everything the two of you went through to be together, you know you have nothing to worry about.”

“I know. I trust her, but... this need to protect her and our son is overwhelming at times. I can’t explain it.”

I think about Maverick and the intensity of the feelings I’ve felt through him. “I have an idea after watching Maverick.” We don’t talk much about the crazy twin thing we have going on. Hell, we don’t even know what to call it, so we’ve all just continued to call it the crazy twin thing.

“The twin thing.” I can hear the understanding in Ryder’s voice. “Who knows, maybe you’ll find the one soon. This summer, in fact. Maybe even at a wedding.” I can hear the amusement in his tone. I don’t have to see his face to know he’s fighting back his laughter.


“Really? It’s not even been an hour yet.”

Ryder’s laughter lingers in the air, and Finn stops eating again to listen to his father’s boisterous laugh surround us. “My wife couldn’t resist. I called her first,” he confesses.

“I’m just helping her out of a jam. She seriously looked stressed as hell. I’m not seeing anyone. It’ll be fine. We’ll hang out a few times, go to the wedding, dance, drink some champagne, and call it good.”

“My wife has a good feeling about this.”

I roll my eyes, even though I know he can’t see me. “Of course she does. All the sisters-in-law are convinced they need to find me someone to settle down with.”

“She said you volunteered.”

“I did.”

“Courtney’s pretty.”

She’s a fucking knockout, but I keep that to myself. “I’ll tell Jordyn you think so.”

“Fucker.” He laughs.

“Hey, there are tiny ears listening.”

“He’s a baby.”

“He’s smart. Right, Finny? Tell Daddy you’re smart.”

“Of course he’s smart. He’s mine.”

“And your daddy is a little full of himself,” I tell my nephew. He grins, but then goes right back to his bottle. His belly must be getting full because he’s slowed down on how fast he’s eating.

“Just keep an open mind.”

“Ryder, you act like I’m against love and marriage. I’m not. When I find the right one, I’ll be sure to grab on to her with both hands and never let go.”

“But that ‘her’ you’re referring to could be Courtney.”

“I barely know her.”

“So get to know her.”

“Are we done here?” It’s going to be a long three months.

“Kiss my son for me. Finny, Daddy loves you.”

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