Page 5 of Stay Real

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“That was really nice of you, Mer.” She bats her eyelashes, and I can only imagine what that look does to my brother Ryder when she turns it on him.

I shrug. “I’m a nice guy. It’s not my fault you and the rest of my sisters-in-law married the asshole brothers of the family.” I wink, and she tosses her head back in laughter.

“You and I both know that’s not true.”

“It’s not, but it got you to think about something other than me agreeing to help Courtney out of a jam.”

“I was just telling you how nice of you it was. She’s been stressing over this wedding, and her mom has been putting a ton of pressure on her. You’re doing her a huge favor.”

“Table?” I ask her again. I know that if I don’t shut this down, she’s going to read more into it than me just being nice. Who am I kidding? She’s going to make a big deal about it, regardless. My family thinks, since I’m the last single brother, that it’s time for me to wife up like the rest of my brothers. I’m not against marriage, and I’m certain one day I’ll find the one I never want to let go of, but it will happen when it’s supposed to. You can’t force this kind of thing. If I’ve learned anything by watching my brothers fall in love, it’s that love has its own timeline.

She smirks. “In the corner to the right as soon as you enter the front door.”

I shake my head, knowing that within the hour, my sisters-in-law and my brothers are going to hear about my small act of kindness. They’re going to make a way bigger deal out of this than what it is. I could see Courtney was stressed, and I’m not attached. It’s easy enough to hang out a few times to sell the relationship, go to the wedding, and then split ways, and her mother will be none the wiser. I don’t see what the big deal is. However, I know my family, and they’ll see it as me wanting her.

Sure, Courtney is gorgeous. She was a couple of years below me in school, but I remember her. How could I not with her long black hair and those hypnotizing dark brown eyes? She’s a looker. It’s definitely not going to be a hardship to hang out with her and spin her around the dance floor at her sister's wedding.

Pushing out the shop door, I unload the small table from the back of my truck and carry it back inside. Jordyn is at the door, holding it open for me. She’s still wearing that knowing smile, and I’m starting to regret my quick decision to help Courtney out of her jam.

“Over there.” Jordyn points to where she wants the table, and I place it per her instructions. “Thank you, Merrick.”

“You’re welcome. You need anything else moved while I’m here?”

“I don’t think so. I appreciate the offer.” As soon as the words are out of her mouth, a small cry comes through the baby monitor in her hands, and I grin.

I don’t ask for permission. Instead, I turn and head for the back of the store where I know Finn’s baby bed is set up, because my brother insisted his son needed a bed, not a Pack ’N Play, since he spends so much time here with his momma.

“Hey, little man.” I coo to my nephew as soon as I enter the room. He’s nine months old and looks just like his daddy. “Did you have a good nap?” He reaches for me as I scoop him out of his crib and cuddle him to my chest.

I rub his back soothingly. Damn, I love being an uncle. Shoving my hand into my pocket, I grab my phone, snap a quick picture, and send it to my group chat with my brothers.

Me: Uncle Merrick is coming in clutch with the cuddles. #favoriteuncle

I’m chuckling as I hit Send. I know that will get them wound up. Especially Ryder. My phone pings immediately, and I’m smiling before I see which one of my brothers responded.

Ryder: That’s my boy.

Maverick: He’s confused. He thinks you’re me.

Brooks: That’s just because I’m not there.

He follows his message with an image of him holding his son, Leo, who is sleeping on his chest.

Brooks: Daddy cuddles are better.

He’s got me there. I love my nieces and nephews. I can only imagine how that love will be all-consuming when it’s my own child.

Maverick sends a picture of him with his twins, Ryan and Lacey, and his daughter Ada. She’s snuggled up to his side, while both twins rest on his chest. Ada is two, and the twins are two months old. Maverick’s smile is blinding.

Maverick: I’ve got you all beat. You’re all behind. Three cuddles trump all of you.

I chuckle. It’s not unlikely that any of us would have twins, considering Maverick and I are. It would have to be my twin to be the one, or I guess I should say the first, because I know my brothers are not done having kids, and then there’s me. However, Maverick is going to gloat until someone knocks him off his pedestal.

Me: Someone hurry and knock up your wives and knock him back a few pegs. Brooks and Declan, I’m looking at you two. You’re both tied with two. We can’t let this go unchallenged.

Declan: I’m coming for you, little brother.

Brooks: Not if I get there first.

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