Page 69 of Torrid

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“I can handle that this week if my not wearing one is bothering you,” I said.

“Your tits draw attention. I don’t like men looking.”

That was why I hadn’t gone and bought one already. When he acted jealous, it gave me hope. I kept thinking he’d realize why he was jealous or admit he had feelings for me.

“Men have always looked at my boobs,” I pointed out.

“You weren’t carrying my baby then.”

The fear that that could truly be what it was, just that I was pregnant with his child and not jealousy was what kept me from trying to force him to say more. It was possible I had built all this up in my head. Because he was more than a friend to me. I was falling in love with him, and I couldn’t stop. The Liam he’d been the past two weeks was a much different one. That side of Liam was impossible to protect my heart from.

I wanted to ask, And after the baby is born, will you care if men look at me then? but I wasn’t brave enough to face that answer.

Time. We needed more time. This couldn’t just be one-sided, the way I was feeling. He had to feel something too.

“I’ll go get a new bra,” I told him.

“I’ll come with you. I need to be sure it covers you appropriately,” he said.

I laughed and turned to look out the window as we drove. My eyes began to get heavy, and just before I drifted off, I felt Liam’s hand brush hair from my face. The back of his fingers caressed my cheek. The words I love you were so close to spilling from my lips, but I held tight to them. He wasn’t ready to hear that, but I had to believe that he would be one day soon.



My pace picked up, the closer I got to the red door, as the noise on the other side grew louder.

The doctor’s appointment had gone smoothly. We listened to the baby’s heartbeat with a Doppler this time, and it remained strong. I had gained one pound, and everything else had appeared to be fine.

“You trying to get away from me?” Liam asked.

I glanced back over my shoulder at him and realized how much faster I’d been walking than him. “No, but I am anxious to see Nina and Goldie,” I told him as I reached the door.

His mouth twitched with amusement, and for a moment, I was distracted by him. I had been doing that more often lately. Being struck by how handsome he was.

The nurse today had once again basically drooled all over him. However, he was different. He seemed not to even notice her interest. His eyes had remained on me the entire time, making me feel important to him.

I pushed the red door once he caught up with me, and my gaze went directly to the kitchen. It was dinnertime, and I knew Nina and Goldie would be back there, cooking. I did miss that. It had been fun, working back there together to feed everyone. Although living with Liam was far superior than my time here. Because I had him with me.

Goldie noticed me first and threw the pot holder in her hand down, then raced over to hug me with a squeal. I heard several greetings called out to Liam from the men in the room, but my attention was on the woman in front of me. She let me go, standing back to place her hands on my stomach.

“Oh my God, you are the cutest damn thing I have ever seen with this tiny baby bump,” she gushed.

“Move. My turn,” Nina told her as she pushed Goldie over and wrapped her arms around my neck. “It’s so good to see you,” she said as she hugged me tightly.

“It’s good to see you too. Both of you,” I replied, smiling over Nina’s shoulder at Goldie.

Nina grabbed my hands as she stood back and studied me. “She’s right. You make pregnancy look good. Hell, maybe I’ll try it after all. If I can be promised I’ll look like this.”

Liam’s hand slid over my hip and squeezed me gently. Nina noticed the contact, and a pleased smile touched her lips as she let go of my hands and stepped back.

“I’m glad to see things are going well,” she said, giving Liam a knowing look before turning her attention back to me.

Although I knew what she was referring to, I wasn’t sure how Liam would react to someone pointing it out. I decided to detour the conversation.

“Baby is healthy. Heartbeat was great,” I told her.

Her smile softened. “How much longer until we know what it is?” She paused, then narrowed her eyes. “We are going to find out the sex, right?”

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