Page 68 of Torrid

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Liam had texted that he’d be here in ten minutes. It had been four weeks since my last doctor’s appointment, and we were headed to Miami. Liam had said we would go to the clubhouse after and visit everyone. I’d packed an overnight bag, excited about getting to catch up with my friends.

Ozzy bounded up the stairs and into the house just as the gate opened, signaling Liam was here. I bent down and kissed him, then told him Tex would be here later before locking the door and making my way down to the driveway.

Liam parked and got out of the car. “Give me the bag,” he said as he walked around the front toward me.

“I can put it in the back,” I told him, smiling like a schoolgirl with a crush.

He’d pulled me in the shower with him this morning and sat down on the built-in bench, then had me straddle his lap. After he released inside me, he grabbed my face and kissed me hard. That had left lingering tingles in a way an orgasm did not.

“Why are you smiling?” he asked, taking the bag.

“Because you’re hot.”

He chuckled and placed my bag in the back seat, then opened my door for me. “You just like me for my cock,” he said, smirking.

I stopped before getting in and looked up at him. “I adore your cock,” I whispered, then slid onto my seat.

His eyes went to my bare thighs, then back to my face before his nostrils flared and his eyes heated. When he closed the door to walk back around to his side, I squirmed in my seat, already feeling needy, and he’d just been inside me three hours ago.

He sat down, then reached over and ran his hand up my thigh, moving my skirt up until he could see my panties. “Keep that shit up, and you’ll go to your appointment with a messy pussy, darlin’. And I’ll let you explain that to the doctor.”

I giggled and moved his hand off me. “You’re right. Don’t make my panties wet.”

He groaned and backed up the car so he could turn it around to drive back down the driveway.

Once we were on the road, he reached back over and touched my stomach. “What fruit is our baby the size of this week?”

“Well, I’ve read three different pregnancy sites and they all say something different. A pear, an apple, and a navel orange,” I replied.

“The bump is definitely bigger,” he said, rubbing it.

“I know. My jean skirt wouldn’t button this morning. This one has elastic, so it fits.”

He moved his hand to the gear stick to shift. “Do we find out what it is yet?” he asked.

“No. A few more weeks still. So, does that mean you want to know before it’s born?”

I had been debating on this already. I wanted to know, but then a surprise seemed fun too. If there was a nursery I could decorate, then finding out before would make sense. But I didn’t know where we would live. Eventually, we had to address that. I needed a plan. It was just that, although things had been really good with Liam and it’d felt different with him the past couple of weeks, he hadn’t brought up anything changing.

“You don’t want to know?” he asked, glancing at me.

“I haven’t decided. But if you want to, then that would help make up my mind.” I wanted to mention the nursery and needing to know where I’d be taking our baby when I left the hospital. There were things it would need. I would have to get those and have a place to put it.

“I’d like to know, but I don’t want to make you do something you don’t want to do. If you want to wait, I can too.”

I shook my head. This wasn’t a big deal. I had much bigger things I had to worry about. “I think I want to know too.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Are you sure?”

“Yep! It’s settled.” Unlike our future.

“Do we need to go shopping for some new clothes for you?”

I thought about that for a moment. He would be the one buying them, and I didn’t like that. I already lived at his house. I needed to contribute financially. Getting a job was a topic I hadn’t wanted to push since things were going so well. But I had been looking online.

“I think I’ve got plenty of things that stretch right now,” I told him.

He glanced over at my chest. “No bra again,” he said. “We need to go buy you bigger ones.”

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