Page 70 of Torrid

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“We’d better!” Goldie said. “How will we be able to start buying things if we don’t know?”

Liam leaned down to my ear. “I’ll let these two have you. I’m going to go visit with the guys,” he whispered.

I nodded, feeling my cheeks warm at the way he was treating me. The last time we had been here together, he’d barely tolerated me. Him acting as if we were a couple made me feel as if we truly were.

He glanced at the women in front of me. “She’s yours—for now,” he told them. “And, yes, we are going to find out the sex.”

Both women squealed, Goldie clapping her hands as she grinned. Nina reached for my hand and tugged it toward the kitchen while leaning close to me.

“I don’t know what excites me more—learning the sex or the fact that Prez is acting like you’re his most prized possession.”

Hearing that sent my stomach fluttering, but I knew it wasn’t wise to let them believe that was the truth. We weren’t there, and we might never be. Until Liam told me his feelings had changed, our future was still unknown.

“It’s just the pregnancy,” I told her as she led me behind the bar and into the kitchen.

Goldie followed behind, but close enough to hear what was being said.

“I disagree,” Nina said in a singsong voice. “I’ve known the man for seven years, and not one time have I seen him treat a woman like that.”

I shrugged. “Well, none of the others were pregnant with his child,” I pointed out, trying to keep my head in reality and not let it zoom to the clouds.

Nina walked over to the oven to open it. “Mmhmm,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “I’m sure that’s all it is.”

Goldie leaned a hip against the edge of the counter and wagged her eyebrows at me. “Jars said Prez had you wrapped up in his cut last time you were here.”

Nina placed a pan of cornbread on a hot plate, then gave me a pointed look. “And that sure as hell has never happened. Judgment don’t put their cut on any woman unless they’re staking a claim. And when I say claim, I mean ole-lady status. That, and being put on the back of his bike.”

I frowned. “The back of his bike?” I asked, wondering what that meant exactly.

Sometimes, biker talk didn’t mean what it sounded like. I’d learned that by living here for two weeks.

Nina placed a hand on her hip. “Exactly what I said. If Prez puts his cut on you or puts you on the back of his bike, that is a major deal. It’s saying, She’s mine. And, honey, he ain’t ever done that.”

I licked my bottom lip and glanced over at where he sat on a sofa. He was talking to Brick at the moment, but there were others around him. I didn’t much care for the blonde woman sitting on the armrest, entirely too close to him. I’d seen her here once before. I knew she worked at one of their clubs. Nina had called her Demi.

“I rode on the back of his bike the night I met him,” I said, staring at the woman who couldn’t take her hungry eyes off Liam.

Nina’s hand grabbed my arm. “What?” she gasped.

I tore my focus off the stripper to look at her. She looked surprised and almost giddy.

“I, uh—he gave me a ride. That’s how we ended up in my motel room before, um, well, having sex,” I said, then pointed at my stomach.

Goldie stepped closer so that we were in a tight circle now. “Prez gave you a ride on his bike the first night you met him?” she asked, then swung her eyes to Nina, grinning from ear to ear.

Nina chuckled. “Oh, honey. If that man put you on the back of his bike, then he’d already decided he was gonna rock your world, and whether he admits it or not, he was considering more. He doesn’t do that.”

It seemed silly. He’d just given me a ride. I found it hard to believe he had never given another woman a ride on his bike. I glanced over again to see Demi taking the empty beer from Liam and handing him another. She made sure to bend over far enough that her barely covered chest was on display.

Liam didn’t seem to notice and took the bottle while looking at Brick, who was talking. Demi sat back down on the armrest beside Liam, but this time, she was closer. Her legs turned toward him, as well as her body.

“Oh God,” Nina groaned. “Ignore her.”

I tore my gaze off the woman and forced a smile. “Who?” I asked as if I didn’t know what she was talking about.

Nina pursed her lips. “You know who. Demi and her pathetic attempt to get Liam’s attention. He’s not touched her in a year at least. Her title as Liam’s favorite has been gone, and she’s struggling to get it back. She’s been the oldest out of the strippers that they employee for four years now. Before, when everyone knew Liam took her to his bed more than anyone else, she had that to make her feel superior.”

Hearing that Liam had liked her once, enough to have sex with her a lot, sank heavy in my stomach. What if he decided he missed whatever it was she had done that made her his favorite? Would he sleep with her again? He never claimed we were exclusive, but I also knew he wanted our baby to be safe. He wouldn’t go out and have sex with her or anyone else, then come back to me, right?

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