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“Merely,” Darcy breathed. Like Cherry, her cheeks were darkening, a flush of pink beneath the little flecks of brown colour. Her brows were still very high on her forehead, her eyes much larger in her face than they’d been before.

“That’s what I meant when I said banging,” Cherry clarified. “People don’t just immediately start mating after getting married. I mean, I guess some probably do, but they usually wait until they’re in bed first and there’s no audience.”

“Oh,” I said, fighting a stab of disappointment as I finished fixing my belt. “Forgive me, Darcy. I have never done a kiss before and I… I did not understand the nuances.”

Nuances. Cursed cattle. The kiss thing had been erotic and exciting and had left my cock with an aching strain all along the shaft. Why the blazes did humans do such a thing during their weddings if they did not mean to mate after? How could they stand the sudden surge of arousal? Was it supposed to be like that? Some kind of twisted method of delayed gratification intrinsic to the wedding process?

Torture. It felt like torture. My cock was hard, my body hot, and all I could think about was how good Darcy smelled, how pretty she looked, how much I could still feel the lingering caress of her lips on mine.

“It’s alright,” Darcy said slowly, watching me closely. I ignored the hot pang in my groin, a reaction to the sound of her voice.

“There’s a bucket outside,” Silar said cryptically. He seemed to think whatever he’d just told me was actually helpful instead of just a bunch of nonsense. For as blunt and honest as he could be, sometimes the things that came out of his mouth were about as intelligible as shuldu dung.

Which was to say, not at all.

“A bucket,” I echoed. “Am I…” I lowered my voice. “Am I supposed to ejaculate into it?”

Was that how I was meant to survive the long ride back home?

Magnolia slapped a small hand over her mouth, having heard what I’d said. Cherry snorted and then sighed.

“Oh, Fallon, sweetie, no…”

For the Empire’s sake. Why was everyone being so confusing?

“Why don’t we just go?” Darcy said hurriedly. “Thank you, Warden, for your assistance.”

I cast my wife – my wife! I have a wife! – a grateful look. Where I was buckling under the heady, heavy mixture of arousal and confusion, she seemed perfectly at ease. Her expression was composed once more and after exchanging some information with the warden, including communication signals for their data tabs, she turned and walked out of the warden’s office. Only once, in the doorway, did she turn to look back at me, making sure I’d followed.

She didn’t know me very well yet.

Because if she did, she never would have needed to turn around and check.



“Istill cannot believe he was about to get his junk out right there in front of all of us,” Magnolia said, not even bothering to hold back her snort.

“I see you’re not feeling so sad anymore,” I said dryly from beside her on the bench in the shade of Fallon’s covered wagon. The wheels rolled beneath us, rhythmic hoofbeats ahead.

“Nope. Not sad,” Magnolia confirmed just a little too gleefully. “Seeing your man get all horny and discombobulated has cured me. Any time I’m feeling down from here on out, I’m just going to remember him with his hands on his belt asking if we were all going to stay to watch the next part.”

She barely got the last words out as she dissolved into peals of laughter that, apparently contagious, Cherry caught. Since Fallon lived beyond Silar’s ranch along the same road, we were all travelling back together, and the three of us girls could fit easily into the shady wagon.

“I’m so glad the trauma of my ridiculous wedding is your new happy place,” I told her, but I was only teasing.

Yeah, the wedding had kind of been a bit of a shitshow, what with us having to talk Fallon down off the ledge of “mating” me right there on the fucking floor. But I really was glad that Magnolia was smiling again. And if my husband had to act like a horny fucking dork in front of everyone to put that smile on her face, then my embarrassment over the whole ordeal was worth it.

“Hopefully I’ll get to laugh at you when Oaken does something equally dumb,” I said, elbowing her gently.

“And he will,” Cherry warned, wiping away tears of laughter from her blue eyes. “Between the cultural differences and the fact these guys haven’t seen a female of any variety since childhood… Yeah. There’s a lot of learning on both sides. But yay for teachable moments, right?”

“Fallon’s adorable, though,” Magnolia said. “He was so earnest! And when he realized how wrong he was about where the kiss would lead… I just about died when he was sadly but dutifully doing his belt back up, and being all ‘forgive me, wife,’ about it. What a cutie patootie.” She sighed. “It’s making me that much more excited to meet Oaken.”

“Even knowing that he’s probably a murderer?” I asked with a raised brow. Magnolia visibly swallowed, pursed her lips, then nodded.

“If he’s anything like Silar or Fallon, I think it’ll turn out alright. They both seem like really sincere guys in their own ways. And we’ve all done things we aren’t proud of.”

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