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“Of course!”

What a useless question. Who in their right mind would say no with a female like Darcy standing beside them?

“Darcy, do you take Fallon as your husband, to be legally bound in the eyes of the Terratribe Alliance and under all applicable covenants of the Zabrian Empire?”

“I do,” Darcy said in a smooth, clear voice, not exhibiting a moment of the hesitation I’d feared to find in her.

“Well, that’s about it. Time for the kiss thing,” Warden Tenn said, his orange gaze swinging back and forth between my bride and me.

My wife and me.

Once again, there was no hesitation on Darcy’s part. She turned her glorious body towards mine.

Kiss. I knew about the kiss ritual. I’d read about it in the human manual I’d been given. Apparently, it was a sign of affection, and it was also used as a pre-cursor to mating.

My blood heated. It seemed odd that we’d progress to mating here and now, but I certainly wasn’t going to complain. I would honour any and all of my wife’s customs. Especially any that would hopefully end with me getting to put my cock inside her.

Kiss. I could do this. All I had to do was put my mouth against hers. And then, hopefully, I could figure the rest of the mating out, too. I’d certainly looked at the images in the book enough times to have at least a semblance of a hope of not disgracing myself.

Darcy rose up on her toes at the same moment I bent slightly forward. I loved how tall she was compared to the others. I did not have to lurch and lean, and she did not have to overly strain to reach her arms up around my neck. Her body pressed briefly to mine, lighting fires in every single one of my nerves.

A perfect fit.

Darcy brushed her lips over mine, and it was as if she’d put those lips directly on the tip of my cock. My shaft leapt beneath the leather of my trousers. I suppressed a groan, my mouth darting forward for more of that petal-light touch. I connected with her harder this time and I tasted wetness.

Oh, this was a very good ritual, indeed. Why was this not part of Zabrian culture? I groaned again, louder this time, sweeping my lips over Darcy’s, drinking down the sweetness of her as my hands fumbled at my belt.

“Do the others stay to watch the rest?” I asked raggedly against her moistened lips, only now remembering that Silar, Cherry, Magnolia, and of course, the warden, were all still in the room with us. Zohro had already left.

“Watch the rest of what?”

Darcy lowered herself onto her heels and stepped back, leaving me standing there with one end of my undone belt in each hand.

“The… the mating part?” I asked, troubled by the way her pale brows seemed to be climbing higher and higher.

“You… You want to have sex?” Darcy gasped. “Here? Now?”

I didn’t do up my belt, but nor did I continue undressing. Things no longer seemed to be going well enough to warrant the removal of my trousers.

“You don’t?” I asked carefully.


The green and black parts of Darcy’s eyes tore away from me as if seeking out assistance. It made something clench inside me. That she was looking to others for help instead of looking to me.

“Fallon, what in the Empire are you doing?” Warden Tenn asked.

“I read about the kiss thing in the book,” I said, feeling rather betrayed by the judgmental look the warden was giving me. It was not my fault humans liked to rut each other at their wedding ceremonies! “It said a kiss is used often used to heighten intimacy and excitement before mating!”

Darcy gaped at me while Cherry slapped a hand to her forehead.

“Oh, man. That fucking book,” she muttered. “First frostbite, now this.”

Silar grunted. I had no idea why his wife was bringing up frostbite. Frostbite, which I knew all about, because I had read the book like I was supposed to do!

“Fallon, humans don’t typically just strip down and start banging right there on the altar,” Cherry squeaked, her cheeks as red as the scarf tied around her neck. Magnolia was staring at the floor, her lips pinched between her teeth. I could not tell if she was grimacing or fighting back a smile.

“I don’t know what an altar is. And I wasn’t going to bang on anything,” I muttered, doing my belt back up because, unfortunately, it did not seem like I was supposed to take my pants off after all. “I was merely going to mate my wife.”

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