Page 60 of Alien Champion

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“Can I make a suggestion?” I said breathily, heat flooding through me.

His tail flicked, and I tipped my face up further, pointing to my lips.

“Kiss me.”

Tension shuddered through his frame, like he was throwing off some kind of restraints that had held him in place for eons. His claws seized me by the shoulders, then moved inwards, one spanning the base of my throat, the other rising to cup the back of my head. His mouth met mine in a hungry rush, impatient and yet also oddly unhurried, a thorough exploration that made my spine feel like it was melting.

He growled into the kiss, shunting his hips forwards until his erection dug against my belly. I was reaching for it, already desperate to stroke him, when a sudden reorientation of up and down yanked a yelp from my throat. My back hit the fuzzy hides of my bed, and I tried to get my bearings after having been lifted and tossed down so easily and so fast.

My arms and legs were splayed. Dalk stood before me, staring down, the tip of his cock beading with moisture when his sight stars settled between my legs.

“I wanted to taste your cunt this morning,” he said with jaw-dropping bluntness. He fell heavily onto his knees on the bed, bracing himself on his elbows over top of me.

“You... You did?” I gasped as his tongues dipped down to stroke the sensitive edge of my ear. “I thought I was imagining... or just being crazy or...” Words fizzed away, bubbles in a cool drink on a hot day, when Dalk’s mouth got hard and greedy. He sucked along the side of my throat, lighting up every nerve in my body, before he broke away with a ragged moan.

Only to return that sucking mouth to me, but on my nipple this time. I cried out, arching into the fervent suction, writhing as his tongues swirled across my aching peak. His other hand skimmed reverently up my abdomen to claim my left breast. The contrast between his hand and my breast was exquisite, the softness of human flesh giving way beneath that gripping male strength. Wetness built between my legs – I could tell even now, could feel the warm melt of it in secret places – as Dalk’s mouth began its descent between the valley of my breasts and down my belly.

Anticipation buzzed beneath my skin, swooping sparks when Dalk reached my pussy and pulled back to look at me, his hands keeping my trembling thighs apart. His stilted breaths on my wet skin stirred trails of desire.

“Would you stop staring?” I begged, wriggling and clenching, desperate to be touched, licked, fucked, anything.

“Not until I am satisfied,” he growled.

“With what?!”

“With committing you to memory.”

I groaned in complaint, rocking my hips so forcefully that they rose off the bed and my pussy bumped his chin. Now it was his turn to groan, his sight stars exploding into a pulsating mist, his tongues darting eagerly out of his mouth to taste the slick I’d left there.

“So wet,” he said, pressing his nose to the place right above my clit and inhaling hard.

“Yes,” I admitted, frantically grinding my pelvis to try to establish some contact between him and my aching clit. “Because I want you so much.”

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I realized just how true they were. This wasn’t just physical need; this was deeper. I didn’t merely want a man, I wanted Dalk. Only him, with all his fierce frowns and callous complaints and gruff growls. I wanted him so badly it briefly burned my insides, left me scorched and made it hard to breathe.

“I want you,” he echoed back at me. “I have wanted you for so long I have forgotten what it’s like not to want you.”

“You have?!” I heaved myself up onto my elbows so I could look down at him. His sight stars captured my gaze above the hills and valleys of my body between us.

Something flashed through that shimmering gaze – anger or hunger or pain – and he said, “It was me, you know. That first day you were here. I was the one who saved you from the zeelk. I was the one who carried you back on my irkdu.”

“You were?” I whispered.

He didn’t look hurt, but he didn’t exactly look happy, either. It was like I’d confirmed his suspicions.

“You do not remember.”

“I remember that day,” I said quickly. How the hell could I not? How could I forget the moment we’d landed in the Zaphrinax desert, only to have zeelk tear our ship apart and kill every single crew member except Chapman? We’d all scattered onto the open sands in pure, animal terror, running this way and that as massive spidery zeelk pursued us with their crab-like claws.

I remembered the way they shrieked, and the horrific way their bodies glinted with impenetrable black armour under a sun that felt nearly as lethal as they were.

I remembered when, mid-stride, I’d stopped and stumbled backwards because a zeelk had erupted right up out of the sand in front of me.

I remembered thinking that I was going to die. To die in this hellish, horrible place where no one would even know I’d gone.

But I didn’t die. Because just as those menacing claws snapped forward to close around my neck, a spear had crashed into the monster’s side, faster than a bullet, killing it instantly.

And then there had been an irkdu, which was its own new alien horror, a mount that felt larger than life spraying sand with dozens of feet as it thundered towards me, driven faster and faster by its fiercely determined rider calling clipped and rapid commands.

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