Page 61 of Alien Champion

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That rider... I remembered seeing sight stars for the first time and being shocked by their near-celestial strangeness. So beautiful and so alien.

But I’d barely gotten a glimpse of those eyes, that face, before the man they’d belonged to had hauled me up onto his mount one-handed, his other hand yanking his spear out of the zeelk’s steaming corpse without even slowing the irkdu’s stride. He held me hard and close as he carried me away. Not long after that, I’d succumbed to the trauma and the heat, nearly passing out, turning my senses soupy and my memory of what followed hazy as a dream.

But I knew with instant clarity that what he’d said was true. I studied his face in the quiet cave and it was like I was seeing it for the first time all over again, under that blazing sun, fearsome and foreign and focused entirely on me.

“It was you.” My throat hurt, and the undeniable prick of tears bit at the backs of my eyes. “I remember, Dalk.”

He breathed out slowly. “I think you have been mine, in some way, from that very first day.”

My heart hurt, a pressure building so sharply I feared that everything inside might shatter. We’d been on this planet for almost a year by now. The fact he’d watched me and wanted me nearly for that entire time made me want to...

“Why didn’t you say anything?” I choked out.

“I did not see the point. You were not my mate. I could not have you. But then, at the New Year’s Eve party, you kissed me and...”

“And then I told you it would never happen again.”

There was no stopping the tears now. Goddamnit.

“You are crying!” Dalk looked helplessly lost for a moment, his mouth falling open, the firelight catching on the deadly points of his fangs.

“No I’m not!” I lied pointlessly, salty moisture spilling from my eyes even as I said it.

“I... I am not good at providing comfort,” Dalk said, sounding mildly panicked. But he steeled himself with determination. “But if you tell me what to do, then I will do it to the best of my ability. I was champion of at least one round of the vaklok and I can conquer your human tears just the way I conquered all those other men. You need only tell me how.”

And that was only making me cry harder, this surly idiot promising to fight my tears like they were a dragon to be slain.

“It’s fine!” I sobbed, swiping furiously at my face. Dalk stared, looking entirely unconvinced.

“If you will not tell me what comforts you require,” he growled, “then I will just have to distract you instead.”

Before I could tearily ask what he had in mind, his head descended, and he unleashed his tongues against my pussy.

Well. As far as distractions went, that was a pretty fucking good one.

I gave a stilted gasp, pleasure and arousal rocketing through me as Dalk squeezed my thighs and devoured me.

What he lacked in knowledge of human anatomy, he made up for with sheer fucking gusto. There was no hesitation, no pulling back, no indication that any texture or scent or taste he found wasn’t exactly what he fucking craved. He groaned viciously as he drank down wetness, and I felt his entire frame shudder violently when all three of his tongues dipped experimentally inside me, only to shove all the way in one agonized heartbeat later.

I moaned, my fingers flying to his head, burying themselves in his thick, soft hair. The band he’d tied around its newly shorn length fell away, the bitten-off black strands cascading down to brush my inner thighs in tantalizing whisps. My eyes squeezed shut as Dalk’s three tongues – previously entering into me as one thick, synchronized entity – slowly spread apart and swirled inside.

It was too much, but in the best possible way. His tongues together were nearly as thick and as long as a human cock, filling me so sweetly. And now, having all the tendrils come apart and stroke me in different ways, in different places...

It made me feel like I was falling apart.

I was crying in a new way now, not with tears but with shocking feral sounds, my voice rising and falling in keening waves that I’d never heard come out of myself before.

I wondered what kinds of sounds I’d make when he fucked me.

That thought sent my desire higher than ever before. My orgasm was closing in on me, my eyes rolling back in my head and my pussy convulsing on Dalk’s tongues. In the midst of the rapidly rising pleasure, I was dimly aware of Dalk whipping one of his hands away from my thigh and furiously fisting himself, jerking his cock with demanding strokes.

“Don’t come yet,” I managed to moan even while my own orgasm crested like a glittering wave between my legs. “I want you to come in my mouth.”

Dalk released his cock with a ruthless sound in his throat, returning his iron grip to my thigh and continuing to rut me relentlessly with his tongues. My hand slipped between my legs, circling my swollen clit only twice before my orgasm broke open like a Vrika’s egg and doused my entire body in its glowing blood. Dalk growled in savage satisfaction as I clamped down on him, writhing and wriggling, every part of me locking tight and relaxing into spastic quivers.

Even when it became too much to bear, and I started pushing weakly against his head, he seemed unwilling to pull his tongues out of me. He licked inside me over and over again, still hungrily rubbing the surfaces of his three tongues along every dip and frill of my pulsing channel even as he pulled them regretfully out.

My muscles wobbly, I got myself back up onto my elbows again. As if seeing that I wasn’t quite able to move my trembling body any further than that, Dalk got up onto his knees, grasped my upper arms, and helped me sit all the way up. When he released me, he looked at his fingers with a muted sort of curiosity. He rubbed his thumbs against the tips of his fingers, as if testing their surfaces.

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