Page 6 of Tamed

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His lips quirk into a sly smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “I actually know this, vistu.”

My head comes up to glare at him. “What the hell is a vistu?”

He grins fully now. “It’s a small animal from our planet that bites and hisses all the time. Very bad-tempered.”

Grunting, I glare at him again. “Very amusing, Varnak. But you still haven’t told me what you think I want.”

“I think you want me to look at you as something but a female. I think you want someone to agree to fight you.”

My heart skips a beat and my eyes widen. “You would let someone fight me?”

His smirk widens until it’s practically taking over his face. “I would fight you myself, vistu.”

The thought of him touching me in any way makes me feel sick to my stomach and my vision blurs at the edges.

There is no way I want that man to touch me. I feel out of control every time he’s anywhere near me. I am not sure I’m willing to risk that even if it would give me the training that I crave desperately.

I start to open my mouth to tell him no when he smirks again and crosses his arms over his chest, his biceps bulging and his chest muscles shifting. “Are you afraid to fight me, vistu?”

Oh, hell no, he didn’t. I know he didn’t try and say that I am afraid. Of him!

Gimme a break! I’m not afraid of any male. Especially not this one.

“I’m not afraid of any male,” I scoff.

“Then prove it,” he growls.

I laugh. “Are you that eager to get your hands on me, Varnak? I never would have guessed.”

“I would rather not. But I will for this. I will win.”

I snort. “We’ll see. What do I get if I win?”

He throws his head back and laughs. “I do not believe we need to worry about that.”

“The hell we don’t. I’m gonna kick your big, blue ass, Varnak! And I better get something for it.”

“Fine. If you manage to beat me, by some crazy act of the gods, then I will withdraw my objection to you going.”

I smile happily. “Then get ready to travel with me because that’s what’s coming. I’m gonna kick your ass.”

“Be ready in fifteen parsecs, vistu.” He turns around and stalks off and I glare at his gorgeously muscular backside. Dammit, why does he look just as good leaving as he does stalking towards me!

But I don’t have time to dwell on that. I’ve got a male to fight and prove that I’m just as worthy of going with him as any other warrior on this base.

I face him across the mat and glare at him as most of the damn men on this fucking base holler and whistle like fucking idiots.

“Why are all these guys here, Varnak?”

He grins. “Worried that I’ll beat you with an audience.”

I huff angrily. “You’re not going to beat me. But I didn’t intend on being the main attraction tonight.

“So tell them all to leave.”

“As if they would.” I roll my eyes. “Okay. Let’s get this over with. I still need to pack.”

It’s his turn to roll his eyes. “You don’t need to pack because you won’t be going.”

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