Page 5 of Tamed

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“I’m going to lead this trip,” he growls under his breath.

Zuvia nods at Varnak. “Right. That is what I meant. But even if you do, you need Alex with you.”

“I do not.”

“You do. You are not going to be able to communicate with this female if she is there. She does not have our speech on her translator. The Carvallians do not want anything to do with the Arkadian War Fleet so there’s no way that they’ve put it on their devices.”

“I’m sure. However I’m also sure that I can manage until I get back to the base. Even if I have to set up a line between us and the base when we find her so that she can talk to one of the females here to calm her.”

“That all sounds good. But it has nothing to do with taking care of this female and I’m not willing to let her be traumatized in any way. I assume that she already has been, if not physically then emotionally.”

Zuvia sighs, “As council president, I believe that it would be best for all if Alex goes with you. She will be the most help to you. One of the other males really wouldn’t make much of a difference.” She sits straighter and nods her head. “Yes. This makes the most sense.” She turns towards me and sighs, “Are you sure that you are still alright with this, Alex?”

For just a minute, my heart races out of control. I’m about to be stuck on a smaller ship for an extended period of time with Varnak and he still makes me quiver in places I’d rather not think about even as he blackballs me from getting the practice that I so desperately need and makes me so angry that I could spit.

What the hell am I going to do about that?

I nod my head and grunt. “Yes. I’m good with it.” Like a magnet, my eyes slew sideways and I see Varnak’s blue-green gaze narrow, his brows almost touching as he furrows his forehead.

She nods her head and then turns to Varnak. “You will both leave in two sleeps.” Her eyes turn to steel as Varnak opens his mouth. “I will not change my mind.” Then she stands and studies the two of us, her mouth lifting slightly. “I will hope that you two manage to do your jobs on this mission and that you both return in one piece. Good luck.”

She stalks out of the room and her acolytes follow along behind her.

I turn when Varnak growls and stalks out after her. Lacey grins at me. “I hope you know what you’re doing. He’s pretty pissed.”

I grunt at her and stand up, stalking after him. “So am I. He’s being entirely unreasonable.”

I follow him, shoving my stick-straight black hair behind my ear as I trail along behind him. I can see his big, tall frame ahead of me.

“Hey, asshole!” He doesn’t even flinch. Just keeps moving and ignores me completely. Just like he’s been doing since we got here. Since they found us on that damn ship.

I jog to catch up with him as he reaches the gym. I’ve come in here once or twice to try and get a fight, a workout. Every damn male here has turned me down even though a few of them looked like they were thinking about it.

I grab his arm and he hisses, glaring down at my fingers wrapped around his arm. I yank my fingers away and stare down at them as they burn like fire. My skin tingles where I touched him. His blue skin is vivid today. Some days he’s a muted navy but today his skin is bright sapphire and glows with some inner light.

But those aquamarine eyes are hard and closed off. “What?”

I glare at him and move closer, ignoring the way my skin fires up. My whole body clenches and begs me to move closer to him. I ignore the feeling and focus on his annoying face.

I stick a finger in his face. “I don’t know why you can’t be civil with me but I’ve had it, asshole. We’re doing this together and there’s not one damn thing you can do about it.”

“You could say you will not do it. Zuvia will not press you to.”

I snort. “I’m not doing that. I’m going. Get used to it. You’ve blocked me at every damn turn and I’m sick of it. I know what my mission is right now and that’s to make sure that any human female who is in this ridiculous situation gets to live the miserable existence that we can even if we can’t go home.”

“You do not like it here?” His eyes are searching and I can’t escape from the light in them.

“I don’t dislike it but it wasn’t my choice and if there’s one thing that I don’t like it’s people making decisions for me.”

“Especially males,” he smirks.

“Yeah.” I shove a finger into his rock-hard chest, watching the muscles of his chest shift and flex and feeling it under my fingers. I suck in a breath, shocked at the raw hunger that blazes to life inside me. “I hate that. You’ve been pushing my buttons from the very beginning. I don’t like it.”

His eyes narrow and shift. “What if I gave you what you want? Would you give in and refuse to take this trip with me?”

I back away and cross my arms over my chest. His eyes follow the movement and there’s something dark hidden in his eyes. Something that makes my body heat up to volcanic levels.

“What do you think I want, Varnak?” My hands run down to my hips and those sea-blue eyes follow them like they’re magnetized.

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