Page 76 of The Jefe's Boy

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I felt as if I was waiting on pins and needles for my guard to finish talking on his ear communicator. I always thought those things were ridiculous until now. It was much quicker and easier than using a cell phone.

"Well?" I asked when he stopped talking.

"Jefe is currently in the garage dealing with a situation. He asks that you wait for him in the dining room. He will join you shortly."

That did not make me feel any better. Anxiety sat like a knot in the pit of my stomach. Something was going on. I didn't know what it was, but I knew I wasn't going to like it.

"Does my husband have an armory here?"

The guard’s eyes widened before he slowly nodded. "Yes, sir."

"Take me to it." Using a computer to protect people was all well and good, but sometimes you just needed some real hardware.

The guard kept glancing over his shoulder at me as he led me toward the back of the house near the kitchen. I had been in this part of the house when I first moved in and was exploring, but I hadn't been here since. There had been no reason.

It had changed a lot.

Gone were the empty rooms and lack of noise. Now, I could hear people talking, the clack of a keyboard, and static squawks as if someone was speaking through a walkie talkie.

When we entered a room at the end of the hallway, every head in the room turned in our direction. All sound stopped.

It was a little unnerving.

"I need a gun." Hopefully with bullets.

A man sitting in front of a bay of monitors stood up and walked toward me. "You want a gun, Mr. Díaz?"

"Yes, preferably something in the .380-caliber range or maybe a nine-millimeter." I wasn't proficient like I was sure these guys were, but I could shoot a target if needed.

Surprisingly, my grandfather had insisted that I learn to shoot a firearm and take self defense classes. He had always been afraid someone would try to kidnap me and wanted me to be able to protect myself.

"Yes, of course, sir," the guard said. "If you want to follow me over here, we can get you something."

I followed the man to a metal cage. Once he unlocked it and let us in, my eyebrows lifted a little. While I expected something, this wasn't it. There were enough guns in here to run a gun store.

Who needed that many guns?

Considering the double life that Alejandro lived, I had no doubt that each and every one of them were legal and registered or they wouldn't be on display like this. I was even surer that there were guns of the illegal sort hidden somewhere here or off sight somewhere.

Alejandro might present a kind-hearted philanthropist persona to the world, but he was still a mobster.

"Here, sir."

I took the pistol the guard held out to me, checked the chamber and the magazine before smiling at him. "Do you have an extra holster I could use?"

"Shoulder, hip, or boot, sir?"

Decisions, decisions.


The man grabbed a leather holster out of a drawer and handed it to me. I took off my suit jacket and pulled on the holster, glad I had decided to wear a suit and tie today. I hadn't really wanted to, but with my grandfather here I felt it would be a better choice.

The holster fit perfectly, which was nice. It didn't make me feel too uncomfortable. It was a little awkward with the gun in it, but the suit jacket hid it from prying eyes.

"Sir, if I might suggest..."

I glanced at the man to find him holding out an ankle holster in one hand and what quite possibly was the world's smallest pistol. "What is that?"

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