Page 77 of The Jefe's Boy

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"Backup weapon, sir." He glanced down toward the floor. "I noticed that you are wearing ankle boots, sir. It would be a good place to hide a second weapon in case someone searches you. People don't tend to search other people's shoes."

He had a point.

I sat down in a chair and fit the boot holster around my ankle. When he handed me the small pistol, I checked the chamber and the magazine and then looked it over. "Does this thing even shoot?"

It looked like a fancy child's gun.

"It does, sir. It's only a .22 caliber, but it could distract someone long enough for you to get away."

I was all for that.

I put the small gun in the ankle holster and then pushed the holster down into my boot, pulling my black sock up over it and my pant leg down over it. When I stood, I could feel a little weight on that side, but the gun was small enough that it was only slight.

"Thank you."

"Any time, sir."

I liked these guys. They treated me with the utmost respect even if I didn't know their names. I needed to rectify that. "What are your names?"

The guard in front of me smiled. "I am Hector, sir."

I held out my hand. "It's nice to meet you, Hector."

"And you, sir."

I went around and shook the hands of all the guards standing there, getting their names. Hector, Rodrigo, Jesus, and Jerry.

Jerry was my current guard.

I thanked all of them for the good job they were doing and then walked out of the security room and headed for the kitchen. I first needed to check if anyone else had eaten and then order breakfast.

A loud voice from the front door caught my attention before I could reach the kitchen. I altered my direction and headed toward the foray. I stopped near the bottom of the stairs to try and figure out what was going on. The last time something like this had happened, it hadn't ended well.

"I'm sorry, sir, but Mr. Díaz is not available at this time," the guard standing in the open doorway was stating. "If you would like to leave your name and number, I can—"

"Get that bastard for me this second!"

I rolled my eyes. I was pretty sure I knew who this was simply from his terse words. They had been the same words Dante had shouted at me before smacking me around.

I'd be damned if I let this man do the same.

"Stay close," I told Jerry as I marched forward. When I reached the guard standing in the doorway, I pushed him to one side. "Let me handle this."

I had no doubt the old man I was facing knew exactly who I was, and the glint in his narrow eyes backed that up. I was almost amused by the disgust on his face as he looked me up and down.

I had known I was gay since I was ten years old and discovered I liked watching boys play football more than I liked actually watching football. Because of that I had always been aware of the looks aimed in my direction from those that thought I was sick freak for liking men.

I plastered a smile on my face that was as condescending as I could make it and addressed the man. "How can I help you, Mr. Díaz?"


"It's actually Díaz now, as I am sure you are aware. You did arrange the marriage with my grandfather after all."

The curling back of his upper lip was an interesting twist. Frankly I didn't care if he was disgusted by me. This man and his opinions had no bearing on my life.

He was a troll, a man who fed off other people's misery. Unfortunately, he had his sights set on Alejandro, and that just pissed me off.

I felt my protective instincts flaring.

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