Page 30 of The Jefe's Boy

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Mortification drained the blood from my face as people started to look in our direction. I could hear the quiet whispers, the rumors forming in mere seconds. This was the reason I hadn't wanted my parents to come to my wedding.

Running for my life sounded good. Too bad Alejandro had a tight hold on my waist, but at least he was leading me onto the dance floor and away from my bickering parents.

I did note that my grandfather was headed in their direction. Hopefully, he would give them a good earful and a boot in the butt as he kicked them out.

"Your parents are...interesting," Alejandro said as he swung me into his arms.

I snorted as I leaned into him. That wasn't the word I would user to describe them. There was a reason I had mostly been raised by my grandfather.

"My parents are horrid and everyone knows it. They hate each other, they hate me, and they hate anyone that doesn't cater to the little game they've been playing with each other since the day they were married."

"You didn't invite them?"

"Hell, no." I'd rather be dipped in sheep shit. "My grandfather didn't either, so I'm not sure how they knew the wedding was today or even that I was getting married."

I certainly didn't tell them.

"Delancy Matisse getting married is big news."

"Maybe, but my grandfather promised he wouldn't release the news for a couple of weeks."

"With as many people as there are here tonight, I'm sure word slipped out somehow, especially if people weren't told to keep it to themselves."

I nodded because that made sense. For all I knew, it could have been someone on the catering staff. There were a number of ways that word of the wedding could have gotten out. Kind of made me wonder who might be waiting outside the secure gate of my grandfather's estate.

"Leaving here might be interesting."

"My men will get us out safely," Alejandro replied. "They are trained for this sort of thing."

His men?

I slowly glance around the ballroom trying to pinpoint his men. I had only seen him with one guy, not multiple guys.

"Do you run into this sort of thing a lot?" I asked.

I didn't understand the smirk.

"Not until you, querido."

Okay, now I didn't like the smirk.

I narrowed my eyes, my anger a knot inside my gut. "We met two hours ago. You know nothing about me. How can you say you need guards just because of me?"

Alejandro cocked an eyebrow as if that was the answer to my question.

It wasn't.

I huffed as I glared at him. "Don't believe everything you see in the news."

"I never do." Alejandro's smirk grew into a smile that I didn't understand. "I've learned to never believe anything I haven't seen with my own two eyes."

Okay, that was a good thing.

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