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I playfully batted my lashes. One night with you will never be enough, my darling.

He let out a wolf’s rumble, startling the girls. But then they giggled, pointing at his chest.

“Will you teach us how to growl like a wolf, Dada Finn?” Aurora asked.

He slanted a smile and ruffled her hair. “Your wolf won’t come in until you’re older.”

Aurora pouted. “I want my wolf now.”

“I don’t,” he said, frowning. “Then you won’t be my little girls anymore.”

Aurora climbed into his lap, her brows drawn in an adorably serious expression. “We’ll always be your little girls, Dada Finn.”

Emotion welled up in my chest and my eyes misted as Finn hugged her tight. I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing when he looked at me, his eyes shining with moisture.

Finn held his arm open, and Ember and I crawled to him, the four of us sharing a hug.

When I heard footsteps outside, I expected Ash to join us in bed, but he stood at the threshold, his mouth drawn in a grim line. “Helian requests an audience.”

“Oh,” I breathed, suddenly feeling awkward.

Ash sat protectively on my other side as Helian came into the room wearing a clean tunic and shoes, his pale hair slicked back, and his skin looking freshly washed. Most importantly, his eyes were clear, not fogged or glowing red. Though I hated what they’d done to Enso, I couldn’t deny my relief that the demon was out of Helian.

“Tari, Ash, Finn.” Helian stoically bowed then slowly stood while smiling at the girls. “Ember, Aurora.”

It pleased me immensely to see him acknowledge his nieces.

The girls squirmed in Finn’s lap. He whispered something to them, and they crawled off the bed and went to the rabbits. I inwardly cringed when Aurora pulled a vine from the wall, feeding the rabbits my sex flowers.

I breathed out a slow breath while looking into the eyes of the Fae who’d pulverized my heart. “Helian.” He looked handsome, those high cheekbones, dark brows, and silver hair that looked like a curtain of silk. I curled my hands inward, recalling the memory of running my fingers through his hair while we made love beneath the moonlight. Though it had been just a few weeks ago, it felt like a lifetime since he’d held me.

Helian blew out a long breath, looking squarely at us. “I have not been a good mate and brother.” His gaze focused on me, his eyes filled with longing and regret. “I did not see you for the goddess you are.”

Flames fanned my face as I looked down at my hands fisted in my lap, a maelstrom of emotions swirling through me, from rage to joy to sadness to relief. I was grateful for Finn, who squeezed me close to his side.

“I did not respect my brothers’ bond with you,” Helian continued. “I see you all now.” He nodded toward Ash, Finn, and then the girls. “My brothers, my mate, my nieces.” He paused, looking at me again, his gaze so piercing, it felt as if he was staring into my very soul. “And my babe.”

I instinctively settled a hand on my abdomen.

“You are my family.” He splayed a hand across his heart, his eyes glossing over. “I’m sorry for hurting you. I would die protecting you.”

Ash stood, smoothing his hands down his tunic while speaking in a strained voice. “You’ve already risked your life for us many times.”

I looked over at Ash, at the tenderness reflecting in his eyes. Was he about to forgive Helian? If so, did that mean he expected me to forgive his brother, too?

I did my best to hold Helian’s stare. “Do you respect Ash’s position as my alpha?”

He nodded. “I do.”

“We can both be betas if you want,” Finn said.

I squeezed Finn’s knee. I loved him so much. He was always thinking of his family, always trying to negotiate peace between us.

“Thank you, brother.” Helian offered his brother a slight smile before looking at me again, the longing pulsing off him a tangible thing, making me want to climb off the bed and jump into his arms. “None of that matters as long as my family is happy and safe.”

Ash crossed his arms, widening his stance. “Tari and Finn told me you retrieved the fire ball in our stead.”

“And I would do it again and again.” Helian visibly swallowed, a knot working its way down his throat. “I have been a stubborn fool, and I’m so sorry for hurting you.”

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