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Radnor looked over his shoulder, staring longingly at the point of the big temple that poked above the thick canopy of trees behind us. Isa has no reason to guard her heart. I’ve done nothing wrong.

“Do you think Triss is heartless and stubborn?” I asked, thinking of Radnor’s hatchling who reminded me of a happy puppy.

His eyes narrowed as a low growl rose up from his throat. Watch your words, Fae. Do not speak ill of my hatchling.

Ahh, so I’d touched a nerve. “I was trying to make a point.”

He arched a scaled brow. What point?

“That maybe it’s us.” I sank onto a bench, hanging my head in my hands. “Maybe we’re the heartless and stubborn ones.”

He blew out a long breath, fogging the air with smoke. How can she be angry with me when I don’t even remember what I did wrong?

“You weren’t there for her when she needed you, just like I wasn’t there for Tari.”

He flinched as if I’d struck him. I’m here now, and she won’t let me near my hatchling. She has no right to deny me access to my child.

I sat back, leaning against the unforgiving bamboo behind me. “I understand.”

Do you? he asked, a condescending look in his eyes. Imagine the white witch never forgives you. She carries your child, does she not? Imagine she won’t let you hold your babe?

My veins solidified into thick rivers of sludge. “She wouldn’t,” I breathed, but my words felt false to my own ears. What if my mate never forgave me? What if she wouldn’t let me near our babe? Would I be so understanding then? And how would I survive such heartache?


I DON’T KNOW WHAT TIME I woke up, for our bedchamber cavern had no windows, but it felt like I’d slept well into the afternoon. The room was lit with a few soft candles, though it was still gloomy. I slowly sat up and reached for a water goblet beside the bed, drinking the cool, refreshing liquid while watching Demon and Angel munch on a pile of grass. They looked at me while they ate, their backs twitching with enjoyment each time they discovered a flower among the grass. Then Demon hopped up on the bed, demanding pets. Angel hopped up behind him, demanding attention, too. I rubbed their soft heads while inhaling their sweet scent. They smelled like the herbs I fed them to prevent babies. If not, we’d probably have a hundred extra rabbits.

I suddenly realized that I felt more connected to my rabbits than before, almost as if a new pathway had opened between us, and I felt their emotions of contentment channeling through me as I ran my fingers over that soft spot behind their ears. Eventually, I could feel their restlessness and hunger, and they each nosed my hand in thanks before returning to their grass.

I thought of Bea and even Isa, wondering if my connection to them would be stronger, too. Then I thought of Enso. Would he have any say over what happened to his own body now, or would Nox completely control him? I was no longer mad at Shiri and Helian for putting the demon in Enso. I knew they had no choice, and Enso had volunteered. Still, I wouldn’t rest until I figured out how to get Nox out of him and banish the demon, and all other demons, to hell for good.

Footsteps echoed outside the hall and Finn drew back the curtain, bearing a tray of food. “Sleep well?” he asked with a wink as his two little shadows followed behind him.

“Very well, thank you.” Smiling at the girls, I held my arms open as they climbed onto the bed. “What is this feast?” I asked as Finn set the tray beside the bed. There were pastries, porridge, smoked fish, and all kinds of fruit.

“We knew you’d be hungry, Mommy,” Ember said as she snuggled against me while twirling one of my sex flowers between her fingers. Thankfully, she didn’t ask where they came from.

I kissed her forehead. “Thank you, darling.”

I used the toilet and washed up in the bathing room and then returned to Finn as he helped prop me up by piling pillows behind me. He also stole a few kisses, not that I was complaining.

“Here, Mommy.” Aurora handed me a goblet of juice, only sloshing a little on the bed before she crawled to my other side.

“Mm.” I took small sips, cool citrus and sugar exploding on my tongue, as I relished having my girls so near.

I was feeling a little nauseous, so I ate my food slowly. The girls helped me finish my pastries, despite Finn’s gentle reprimands that they’d already had sweets this morning. He was a pushover, and they knew it. I must’ve been a pushover, too, for sharing with them. I couldn’t help it. I still felt guilty for leaving them and would do just about anything to make them happy.

“What time is it?” I asked Finn while dabbing my mouth with a cloth.

“Almost noon time,” he said as he took my breakfast tray and sat beside me on the bed.

Sinking against the pillows, I let out a groan. “Why did you let me sleep so long?”

“You needed it.” He took my hand in his, kissing my knuckles and giving me a look that turned my knees to porridge. A flower fell between us, and he flashed a knowing grin.

You know what else I need? I projected to him, biting my lip.

He flashed a wolfish grin. Later. I need it, too. One night wasn’t enough.

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