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Ash bowed, a hand splayed across his heart. “I accept your apology, brother. Thank you.”

My heart raced, pounding loudly in my ears like a drum. What was happening? Were we accepting Helian into our pack? Was this truly what Ash and Finn wanted? Was this what I wanted?

You’re not forgiving him just to please me? I projected to Ash.

I have many reasons, Ash answered while looking at me through sideways slits. Don’t worry. I forgive him willingly.

I hadn’t realized I’d been holding my breath until it poured out of me. Thank you, I answered back, grateful we could communicate telepathically, for I was too choked up to voice my thanks aloud.

Finn got off the bed and hugged Helian. “I accept it, too.”

I swiped tears from my eyes when Helian clutched his brother tightly and let out what sounded like a cry of anguish.

Then Ash joined in the hug, and I realized this was the first time I’d seen all three brothers together like this. I couldn’t stop the tears from falling. My mates. My loving, wonderful mates.

By the time they pulled apart, I was ready to fly from the bed into Helian’s arms, but my limbs felt like deadweights as I stared at him and he at me. I could scarcely draw breath, let alone move.

“Come on, girls. Let’s give them some time alone,” I thought I heard Finn say as he and Ash left with the children, though my focus was on Helian. My handsome Fae prince. My mate.

Helian sat beside me, taking my hands in his. “Darling,” he whispered, squeezing my hands. “Are you okay?”

No. Helian was here. In bed. With me. My thoughts were a jumbled mess as my emotions warred with each other. Ash and Finn had forgiven him. Could I? He’d flown away from me, telling me he didn’t love me and leaving me in that cave after he knew we were fated mates. He’d almost married Arabella. He’d retrieved that bomb, knowing he’d likely die, so I wouldn’t have to go to battle. Then he flew off with that bomb to save my children. Damn him for shattering my heart and then sweeping up the pieces.

Damn him. Damn him. Damn him!

“Tari.” He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear, the act so simple yet so intimate. “My love, say something.”

Something in me snapped, breaking me from my trance as I glared at him. “Your love?”

He nodded, squeezing my shoulders. “My one and only love.”

His one and only? Then why did he pledge himself to Arabella? I cried out then reared back and slapped him so hard the sound ricocheted across the cavern, and my hand stung like it had been split open. Shock replaced rage as I looked at my hand and my swelling handprint on his face.

“Oh, Helian!” My hands flew to my mouth. “I’m so sorry.”

His eyes watered as he rubbed his cheek. “It’s okay. I deserve it.” His shoulders fell as he scooted back. “I should go.”

“No. Wait.” My vision was blurred by the tears that flowed freely.

He wiped my eyes. “Please don’t cry, darling.”

“Say it,” I demanded, my words puncturing the air between us. “Say you love me and only me.”

He cupped my cheeks, desperately searching my gaze as his eyes flared with longing. “I love you, Tarianya Avias, and only you, with my whole heart and soul. I pledge myself to you from now until eternity.”

Grabbing onto his elbows, I sat up on my knees while continuing to search his eyes for any signs of deception. “Say it again, Helian,” I begged. “Please.”

He traced my lower lip with the pad of his thumb, his gaze locked with mine. “I love you, Tari. You are the song in my heart and the breath in my body. You are the reason I wake. You are in my dreams when I sleep.” His smile was so sublime, I thought surely I must be dreaming. “You are in every ray of moonlight that cuts through the clouds and the comets that streak across the sky. You are the starlight in my soul and the sunlight in my heart. You make me want to be a better Fae.”

A better Fae? “I make you feel all that?” I rasped.

He nodded. “All that and more.”

“Oh.” A sigh escaped me as he took me in his arms. I crawled into his lap, resting my head on his shoulder. “In that case, I forgive you.”

A shudder rolled through him as he pressed a kiss to my forehead, and I felt his bone-jarring relief deep in my soul. In that moment, I wanted him to make love to me more than anything.


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