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I looked at my sister through a sheen of tears while my knees trembled. “I will be.”

My sister frowned, taking me in her arms, and that’s when I gave in to my tears. Isa’s judgment be damned. My heart was shattered, and I refused to hide it.

Chapter Ten


Tari had been too quiet during our bath, her mouth drawn as she wordlessly helped me wash the girls. I hated that I didn’t know how to help her and wished so badly I could take away her pain.

After I put on my shift and robe, I tied back my wet hair and climbed into bed, chewing my lip while a thousand thoughts ran through my head. The girls had gone with Tari and her mates, preferring to climb all over Finn instead of coming to bed, though Tari had said the girls would sleep with me. I didn’t mind. I was too preoccupied with my dark thoughts to take care of the girls anyway. I had to do something to help my sister, but what?

Blaze emerged from the bathing chamber looking far too delicious with dew drops clinging to his sun-kissed skin. I watched with disappointment as he laced the strings on his trousers, concealing that coarse thatch of hair above that long, large appendage on his body that I loved so much. I needed release so badly and was tempted to rip off his trousers and have my way with him, but first I had to take care of something. “I need you to light the way for me.”

“Sure.” He finished lacing his trousers. “Where are we going?”

I loved how he didn’t ask why or complain. How my mate was eager to please me no matter what. “To pay Helian a visit.”

His eyes flashed with flame. “Okay.”

He took my hand, lighting the way with the other as we made our way down the dark and narrow tunnel toward Helian’s cell. The prince was sitting in a darkened cell in a cage that was smaller than the pen my family had used to house our sow. It wasn’t much cleaner than her pen either. A fitting space for a Fae who had no better manners than a pig. He sat with his back pressed against the bars, his head hanging between his knees, his long silvery hair dragging the floor. I almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

I cleared my throat to herald our arrival.

Helian lifted his head, his eyes widening when he saw me. “My love!”

I crossed my arms, scowling. Flame arced off Blaze’s fingers as he let out a warning growl.

“Oh, sorry,” Helian said, frowning. “I thought you were Anya.”

Ire drilling a hole through my skull, I jutted my hands on my hips. “Why do you call her Anya when everyone else calls her Tari?”

He shrugged. “I’ve always called her Anya.”

“That’s not her name,” I snapped, not bothering to hide the annoyance in my voice.

His shoulders stiffened. “It was her name when I first met her.”

“The name the mind spinner gave her,” I corrected.

He pulled his knees closer to his chest, his bare, grimy feet dragging the floor. “Maybe.”

I eyed him through slits. “I think that’s your problem.”

His head snapped back as if he’d been struck. “What’s my problem?”

I impatiently tapped my foot, frustrated with this thick-headed Fae. “You refuse to recognize her as her true self.”

His mouth fell open. “I do recognize her true self.”

I looked him over with a sneer. “She’s more than that mousy little witch with no memories you met in the Werewood Forest.”

He turned up his chin, defiance flashing in his eyes. “I know this.”

“I don’t think you do.” I shook my head, clucking my tongue. “I think you see her as that same lost little girl, not a compassionate green witch, or a powerful white witch, or the mate to Ash and Finn, the mother of Ember and Aurora.”

He slowly rose to his knees, his voice taking on an annoyed edge. “I see her as those things.”

“Do you?” I crossed over to his cage, Blaze following at my heels. I stopped a few feet away from the cage, mindful that a demon still resided in Helian. “The elements were wise when they gave my sister so much power. They knew she wouldn’t abuse it, that she’d use her magic to defend all creatures, not just you. And here you are, angry with her for not going against her very nature.” My tone dripped with censure. “My sister won’t eat animals. What makes you think she’d want to kill one?”

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