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“That’s not fair to Enso.” I waved toward the wyvern, my heart plummeting when he bound up to me and licked my cheek.

Enso already knows this, Isa spat, glaring down at me as if I was her errant hatchling. He is happy to sacrifice his life for you.

“But I’m not happy.” I threw up my hands in frustration. “First Beau, now Enso. I can’t let any more wyverns die for me.”

“Anya.” Helian’s voice broke as the red glow disappeared from his eyes. “You can’t be serious.”

I gaped at him while he seemed to be waging a war within himself, his face contorting and shifting from Helian back to a creature with gray skin and red eyes. Was the demon gaining more power? Helian fell to his knees, his chains rattling as he cried out while grappling for control of the demon within him. The two big satyrs holding Helian’s chains grunted while trying to restrain him as his arms bulked up and tore at his robe.

The demon is trying to take over, Isa said. Helian has a strong will, but I fear he won’t last long. We need to get this over with.

Enso whimpered, stumbling back, and for the first time I saw the fear in his eyes.

I stepped toward Helian, wishing there was some other way I could rid him of this demon. If I could put my hands on him, maybe I could drive it out with my white magic.

Ash swore then snarled, flashing his fangs while pushing me back. “Don’t even think about it,” he said on a low growl.

Isa blew out a ring of smoke so thick it fogged the air and clouded my vision. Coughing, I fanned my face while leaning against Ash.

There is no greater honor than for wyverns to sacrifice themselves for their goddess. Isa’s voice echoed in my skull. His sacrifice ensures he will go to the heavens with our goddess Maiadra where he will live out an eternity serving her alongside his cousin Frode, or as you like to call him, Beau.

The smoke cleared as quickly as it had appeared, and I looked into Isa’s luminous eyes as she hovered over me.

“How old is Enso? He doesn’t look as big as Beau.” I looked at Enso, noting how he whimpered and trembled. He was having second thoughts, yet Isa was trying to force him to go through with it.

She let out an aggravated groan. She was frustrated with me, though I didn’t care. I refused to live with the regret of killing Enso, especially not with Beau’s death weighing so heavily on my heart.

He is a tad younger than Beau, she finally answered.

I motioned toward him as he sidled up to me. “What happened to his ear and his face?”

He lost a fight with another wyvern during mating season, she said on a slur, sounding almost disinterested, as if this small wyvern’s life held no value.

“So he doesn’t have a mate?” Shiri asked.

Isa shook her head. This is one reason why he volunteers now. He must find a way to restore his honor.

I hung my head, tears misting my eyes. “I can’t let him die.”

“What about me, Anya?” Helian begged.

My gaze shot to his, and I cringed at the pain reflecting in his eyes. “We’ll find another way.”

“Another way?” He stumbled to his feet, a dangerous and desperate look in his eyes as ugly gray veins protruded on his forehead and neck. “This is the way! He’s already volunteered for the job!”

“I can’t do it, Helian.” I took a step back, pressing against Ash. “I’m sorry.”

“You’re sorry?” He threw up his hands, which grew so big, I feared they’d bust the chains binding him. “Try having a fucking demon living inside your body!”

Ash let out a roar and pushed me behind him, fur sprouting along his neck and back. “Swear at our mate again!”

“I’m sorry, Anya.” Helian hung his head and fell back onto his knees, his fists shrinking back to normal size. “I’m just so miserable.”

Esther stepped forward, motioning to Helian’s guards. “Take him back to his cell.”

“No, wait!” Helian kicked and screamed while they dragged him back. “Anya, please! Anya!” His anguished cries that echoed through the pyramid were like needles stabbing into my heart.

Shiri squeezed my hand. “Hey, you okay?”

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