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He crawled toward me, gripping the bars of his cage. “I don’t think I’m asking too much to want to be rid of this demon.”

Blaze tugged on my shoulder, and I took a step back. “I don’t think I’m revealing too much by saying my sister deserves better.” I leered at him as if he wasn’t fit to lick the mold off my shoes.

He hung his head, sniffling. “You’re right.”

I wanted to throttle him. “I’m so grateful she has Ash and Finn, but you have a lot to atone for, Helian. You’re fated mates, yet you agreed to marry another.” When he opened his mouth, I held up a silencing hand. “I don’t care what your father ordered you to do. You had a choice, and Tari being a white witch made it so much easier for you to defy him.”

He sat back on his heels, splaying a hand across his heart. “I can’t be the Fae she needs me to be with a demon inside me.”

“And whose fault is that?” Was this Fae honestly expecting me to take pity on him? “If you hadn’t been courting a demon bitch, none of this would’ve happened.”

He hung his head. “I know.”

“Meanwhile, Ash and Finn remained loyal to her for five years,” I added, continuing to jab the verbal knife through his heart, “and they didn’t even know if she was alive.”

His features fell before he plastered on a vacant expression. “My brothers are better Fae than I.”

I laughed. “A troll is a better Fae than you. So I’m going to repeat one more time.” I paused, giving my words time to sink in. “My. Sister. Deserves. Better.”

I didn’t bother giving him time to respond as I took Blaze’s hand and let him lead me out of the cell. Elements, I knew Drae had been hardheaded when I’d first met him, but he hadn’t been this much of a dragon’s ass, had he? I sure hoped my words pierced Helian’s thick skull.


MY HEART WAS HEAVY as I walked through the darkened tunnel with Blaze toward our bedchamber.

I gave his hand a squeeze as he lit the way with his other hand. “Thank you for coming with me.”

“Of course.” He smiled down at me, the light from the fire in his hand reflecting in his eyes. “I’d do anything for you.”

Anything? I asked through thought, suddenly remembering how a few minutes earlier I’d seen him dressing, revealing that thatch of hair that led to his long appendage. I couldn’t stop thinking of climbing on top of my fire mage and riding that appendage.

Anything, he answered, waggling his brows. Desire swirled in his eyes as we stopped at the entrance to the cavern with our adjoining bedchambers.

The girls’ giggles echoed from inside the cavern as they called to their Dada Finn. Funny how I no longer felt envious of my sister and her mates for stealing the girls’ hearts. I only felt relief that my nieces had so many more family members to love them.

I chewed my lip, my gaze darting to the cavern entrance. I had already told Tari my nieces could sleep with us tonight.

I looked up at Blaze, the heat between us a tangible thing. What I really want is for you to make love to me.

I can do that, he said on a growl, pulling me against his hard chest and gently cupping my cheek.

A sigh escaped me when he brushed his lips across mine, and a trill raced up my spine as the need for him made it hard to think a rational thought. The girls are sleeping with us again tonight.

He leaned his forehead against mine, taking both my hands as his flame extinguished. There’s a smaller abandoned temple not far from here.

I laced my fingers through his, hardly thinking of anything past the thought of feeling him deep inside me. There is?

Yes, he answered. I spotted it on the way here. Should I take you there?

I bit my lip, thinking of his brothers, who probably wouldn’t be happy if we left them out. Yes, please, I answered, then projected another thought outward, so his brothers could hear. Blaze and I will be outside if you want to join us.

I thought I heard them yelling, but Blaze swept me into his arms and flew us so quickly up the corridor that I couldn’t hear their responses. I closed my eyes as we sped toward the temple exit at a dizzying speed, and I prayed we wouldn’t crash into someone. Then I felt ashamed for my lack of faith in Blaze’s abilities as we emerged without a scratch.

He flew me beneath the moonlit and starry night sky over a canopy of broad, leafy trees, slowing when we reached a grassy clearing among the thick jungle. I blinked then shook my head when I noticed several trees had leathery branches, but those were only wyverns sleeping in the treetops. They slept upright, their chins tucked against their chests, their wings pinned back, and their talons wrapped tightly around the tree limbs. It must’ve taken considerable strength and skill to sleep on those narrow branches without falling.

We hovered over a thatched roof and made a gentle descent toward the structure’s stone steps. He’d brought us to a small temple, or maybe a pavilion that was large enough to accommodate a dragon, with three bamboo walls and a thatch roof.

I rested my head on his shoulder as he carried me up the stairs that spanned the entire length of the open side of the structure. The pavilion had a lit fire pit in the center that was surrounded by a low stone barrier and stone benches lined the walls.

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