Page 82 of Blue Falcon

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She finally did as I asked. I opened the other sliding door, hoping to pull him through and toss him out the other side. We were just getting close enough when the fucker jumped into the van, taking me by surprise. He tackled me on the seat, half his body hanging out of the van as he wrapped his hands around my throat and strangled the life out of me.

I wasn’t supposed to take out the knife, but I was going to choke to death if I didn’t kill this fucker. Wrapping my hands around the knife, I yanked it out, then slammed it into the man’s side. He screamed in pain, tightening his grip around my throat. I pulled out the knife and stabbed him again, twisting it this time. When I got enough leverage, I stuck my foot between us and shoved his ass out the door.

“Incoming!” Fox shouted, leaping over the backseat, into the middle beside me. I covered my head as we were riddled with bullets.

“This is your great plan?” I shouted over the gunfire.

“Well, if I had my show tunes, it might be going better!” he retorted.

“Yeah, because that’s the reason this plan is failing!”

Fox reached between the seats and grabbed his rifle laying on the floor. I snatched it out of his grasp and glared at him.

“I’ll take that.”

“But I grabbed it.”

“You handed me a fucking umbrella!”

“Hey, they come in handy.”

“In a fucking rainstorm. I’m bleeding out. Let’s fucking end this!”

His eyes moved to my side and he shook his head. “I told you not to take it out!”

“Yeah, well, I sort of had someone strangling me. It was life or death.”

“Uh…guys!” Wren shouted.

“Life or death for you,” Fox retorted.


“I was about to be choked to death. What did you want me to do?”

“There’s a bridge…” Wren said.

I could hear the worry in her voice, but Fox wouldn’t shut the fuck up.

“Use your fucking training,” he retorted. “You can’t fight off someone with your bare hands now?”

“I’m weakened by the fucking knife you threw into my side!”

“Oh, sure. Blame me.”

“I will because it’s your fucking fault!”

“Guys! There’s a bridge?—”

“I was trying to save your life!”

“I had the guy in the diner. I didn’t need you to throw a knife at me. Did you lose your aim along with your sanity?” I retorted.

“Hey!” Wren shouted, shutting us both up. “The bridge is out!”

We both popped up, ducking again when the bikers fired at us. I looked behind, noting we only had one biker and a truck on our asses. I turned to Fox and nodded. “I think we need a big Harry.”

“Right. I’m on it,” Fox said, moving to the back again.

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