Page 81 of Blue Falcon

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Wren took her hands off the steering wheel, trying to find a station on the radio for Fox.

“Put your fucking hands on the wheel!” I shouted.

“Stop yelling at me! I don’t know what I’m doing!”

“Hands at ten and two.”

“What the hell does that mean? Are there numbers on the wheel?”

“Ten o’clock and two o’clock!” I continued.

She looked at the clock and frowned. “What happens at ten o’clock?”

“Holy fuck. Just kill us now,” I grumbled.

I looked out the side window as bikers approached. We were never going to get away with her driving.

“Someone please tell me what to do,” she pleaded. “I don’t want to die.”

“I’ve got this,” Fox said. He hit a button above the center console, then headed to the backseat.

“Yeah, that’s about the only fucking thing to do,” I muttered. I hit the button on the sliding door and prepared to pull one of these fuckers off their bikes.

Wren screamed from the front. “Fox, don’t jump! It’s not worth it. I’ll get us out of this. I promise!”

“Fox! Weapons!” I shouted. He opened the hatch at the back of the van and grinned, tossing me an umbrella.

“What the fuck? You’ve been spending too much time with FNG!”

But I turned and swung at the man on the motorcycle beside me, making him flinch at the incoming hit. His bike swerved and he hit the pavement. The other bikers swerved to avoid running him over and getting hit with his bike. Gunfire erupted from the back as Fox fired a rifle. He was having way too much fun with this.

Another biker pulled alongside me, taking out his gun. My eyes widened and I ducked, narrowly avoiding being shot as bullets ricocheted off the van.

“Wren, pull up alongside the bike!”

“What bike?”

“The one beside us!”

She looked to the side and then at me in the rearview mirror. “But they have guns!”

“I know they have guns!” I shouted.

“They’re going to kill us!”

“Not if you move the fuck over!”

“If I move over, they’ll climb inside!”

“That’s the point,” I snapped.

She turned around in her seat, glaring at me. “You want to invite them in?”

“Eyes on the road!” I yelled, pointing ahead of us.

Screeching, she yanked the wheel and avoided skidding off into the ditch. “I’m never driving again!”

“Move over! Get me closer!”

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