Page 10 of Dirty Professor

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Anna’s breathing quickened, the combination of his voice, the restraints, and the darkness pushing her to the edge of her own consciousness, where thoughts and sensations blended into a heady mix of pleasure and anticipation. She inhaled when he reached out to unhook the closure at the front of her bra, exposing her breasts to the warm air of the room. He didn’t touch or fondle them, though, teasing her through lack of touch.

Ivan’s hands moved to her waist, pulling her slightly forward so that she was more aware of her own body, of the restraints holding her in place. “This is the trust we share, Anna,” he whispered, his voice filled with both authority and tenderness. He slid his hands below her, to her behind, and carefully removed her lace panties. “In this space, we explore together—where control and surrender meet, where vulnerability becomes strength.” He grasped her ankles and tugged upwards, making her bend her knees and plant her feet on the edges of the armchair, exposing her even more to his hungry eyes. He kissed the inside of her thigh, a soft, lingering touch that sent a shiver through her. The contrast between the gentleness of his kiss and the firm grip of the cuffs was intoxicating, each sensation heightened by the other.

The feeling of the air on her body, the soft crackling of the fire, the erotic position she was in…it all made her heart race. Ivan had stopped speaking. She listened for any sign of him. But everything was still. “Ivan?” she asked softly.

Ivan was slowly and quietly undressing. He knelt before her, licked the tip of his index finger, and slowly stroked it over her slit. She inhaled softly as he slowly stroked her, teasing her, bringing her close to the edge, and stopping for a moment, listening to her breathing speed up and then slow down. He leaned forward and replaced his finger with his tongue, tasting her sweetness, suckling her pearl, as he stroked his own hardened manhood. It was intoxicating to have this power over Anna, and it made him realize that he would do anything for her. She trusted him to guide her into this exploration, and he vowed at that moment never to betray her trust.

He brought her to orgasm, licking up ever drop og her sweet nectar before sliding into her with a soft, gutteral groan, he released her hands from the cuffss and removed the blindfold, pulling her to him in the chair to kiss her as she wrapped her legs around him. He set a steady pace, her hands gripping his shoulders, their tongues dueling for supremacy. They each felt a profound sense of connection—not just to each other, but to themselves. She had discovered new layers of trust, vulnerability, and pleasure, all within the safe confines of their shared exploration, and he discovered how to live within the boundaries they had set forth.

As they lay together afterward, their bodies entwined, Anna felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the depth of their relationship. Ivan had guided her through an experience that was both intense and enlightening, one that had brought them closer in ways she hadn’t thought possible. She looked up at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of awe and affection. “Thank you,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “For trusting me and for helping me discover this part of myself.”

Ivan smiled, his hand gently stroking her hair. “Thank you, Anna,” he replied softly. “For your trust, your openness. This is just the beginning of our journey—one where we’ll continue to explore, to push boundaries, and to find new depths in both our minds and bodies.” As they drifted off to sleep, the fire slowly dying down, the room held the lingering energy of their exploration. In this space, the lines between literature and reality had blurred, where power and surrender had merged into a dance of mutual desire and respect.

Chapter Ten

They had returned to the city the Friday before classes started to finish up the last-minute things required of college professors. Anna stood in the kitchen of her cozy apartment while the soft afternoon light filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a warm glow over the living room. It was a comfortable space with a blend of modern elegance and personal touches—framed photographs, a well-stocked bookshelf, a vase of fresh flowers on the coffee table, and Ivan’s overnight in the hallway. Anna walked into the living room with the tray of tea and cookies she pulled together, setting them on the coffee table before sitting on the couch, her legs curled under her. She poured Amy a cup of tea and then poured her own, handing Amy the cup. She sat back on the couch, both of them sipping at the fragrant brew.

Amy sipped her own drink, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity. “So,” Amy began, setting her cup down and leaning forward slightly, “what’s really going on with you and Ivan? You’ve been… different lately. Happier, yes, but also more reserved. I know something’s up.” She jerked her thumb to his overnight bag in the hallway. “You two having a sleepover now that we called you out?” she teased lightly.

Anna laughed, biting her lip, her gaze dropping to the steaming cup in her hands. She had been dreading this conversation, knowing that Amy, with her straightforward nature, would demand answers she wasn’t sure she was ready to give. But she also knew she couldn’t keep everything bottled up.

“It’s… complicated,” Anna started, her voice hesitant. “Ivan and I…since that day in the coffee shop, we’ve been exploring some new aspects of our relationship. Things that are… unconventional, I guess you could say.”

Amy’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Define unconventional.” It was all she said, sensing that Anna needed to find her own way to explain.

Anna took a deep breath, finally looking up to meet Amy’s eyes, and chuckled softly. “We’ve been exploring power dynamics, dominance, and submission—things that I never really thought about before. Roleplay. It’s all consensual, of course, and we’ve talked about everything. But it’s intense, Amy. It’s pushed me to confront parts of myself that I didn’t even know were there.”

Amy’s expression shifted to one of surprise and curiosity, but Anna could see the concern lurking in her eyes. “And… how do you feel about it?” Amy asked gently.

“At first, I was scared,” Anna admitted. “I didn’t know if I could handle it or if it would change how I saw myself. But Ivan has been so patient and careful with me. He’s always made sure I feel safe and that I’m in control of what I want to explore. And…” She shook her head, exhaling as she set her teacup on the table. “Wow. It’s been liberating, in a way. I feel like I’m discovering a new side of myself, a deeper connection to Ivan. But…”

Amy leaned forward, her voice soft. “But?”

Anna hesitated, the words heavy on her tongue. “But not everyone understands. Some of our friends… okay, Andre… have noticed something different between us, and they disapprove. He came to see me at the coffee shop yesterday, and we were talking, and I told him what was going on. Of all people, I figured Andre would get it. He sees what we’re doing as dangerous or just… strange. He made some comments that made me feel uncomfortable and asked me if I was okay and if I needed help. It’s like he thinks I’m losing myself or being manipulated. It hurts, Amy. It really hurts.”

Amy reached out, placing a comforting hand on Anna’s arm. “I’m sorry you’re going through this,” she said, her voice filled with sympathy. “People can be so quick to judge what they don’t understand. And honestly, coming from Andre, I’m not surprised. He’s so straight-laced and vanilla.” She grinned at her friend. “But Anna, you’re one of the strongest people I know. If this is something that makes you happy and helps you grow, then who cares what anyone else thinks?”

Anna gave her a grateful smile.“Thank you. I needed to hear that.”

“Did you tell Ivan? I’m surprised he didn’t go knock Andre’s block off.”

“Yeah, and I did. He said the same thing you did. And I wish it were that simple. I love Ivan, and what we have together is something special, something I never imagined I could experience. I went into Pink Pussycat Boutique the other day and picked up a few things that were a bit…well…anyway…every time someone looks at me with pity or disapproval, it’s like a stab to the heart. I feel torn between being true to myself and the need to conform to what everyone else expects.”

Amy scoffed. “Screw society. Yeah, it’s not easy to go against the grain, especially when it comes to something as personal as your relationship. But you deserve to be happy, Anna. You deserve to live your life on your own terms, not based on what others think is right. Besides, what goes on behind closed doors is between you and Ivan.”

Anna nodded, feeling a swell of emotion rise within her. “I know you’re right. But I don’t want to lose the people I care about, either. How do I find that balance, Amy? How do I stay true to myself without alienating everyone around me?”

Amy sighed, her expression thoughtful. “I don’t think there’s a simple answer to that. You might lose some people along the way, but the ones who truly love you will find a way to understand, even if it takes time. And those who can’t accept you for who you are… well, maybe they’re not meant to be part of this chapter of your life.”

Amy nodded, her expression softening. “I get it. But remember, you’re not alone in this. Ivan’s with you, and so am I. And I’m sure there are others who’ll support you once they see how happy you are and how much this relationship means to you.”

Anna smiled, a tear slipping down her cheek as she reached out to hug her friend. “Thank you, Amy. For understanding, for being here. It means more than you know.”

Amy hugged her back, her voice warm and reassuring. “I’m always here for you, Anna. No matter what. And for what it’s worth, I think you’re incredibly brave for following your heart.” She reached over to the teapot and refilled their tea cups. “Now. I wanna see what you bought at the Pink Pussycat and see if I can give you some ideas to try with your Russian hunk.”

Chapter Eleven

The rain pattered softly against the windows, a rhythmic backdrop to the quiet tension that filled the room. Ivan and Anna sat on the plush sofa in his spacious apartment, a small table with a bottle of wine between them before them. The dim light from a single lamp cast long shadows across the room, adding to the intimacy of the moment. Anna shifted slightly, her fingers tracing the rim of her glass as she searched for the right words. She had always felt safe with Ivan, yet the complexity of their relationship had unearthed insecurities and fears she hadn’t anticipated. Finally, she broke the silence.

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