Page 9 of Dirty Professor

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“And who am I?” she asked, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

“Sonya,” Ivan replied, his voice softening with a hint of tenderness. “The woman who sees the good in him, who loves him despite his sins.”

Anna felt a shiver run down her spine as she stepped into the role, her body responding to the shift in their dynamic. “I see your pain, Raskolnikov,” she whispered, her hand gently cupping his cheek. “But I see your humanity, too. Let me help you carry the burden.”

Ivan’s breath hitched, the vulnerability in her words cutting through the darkness of the character he had assumed. He leaned into her touch, his eyes closing as he allowed himself to be comforted, to let go of the weight he carried—even if only for a moment.

Their embrace was different now, softer, more intimate, as they explored this new facet of their relationship. It was no longer about passion and desire alone; it was about connection, about understanding and accepting each other’s flaws, just as Sonya had accepted Raskolnikov’s.

They held each other close, the echoes of the characters’ stories fading into the background as they returned to themselves, to the deep, unspoken bond that had brought them to this point. The roles they played were a reflection of the complexities of their own relationship, of the love and passion that had been simmering between them from the start. A love and passion that had been years in the making. As the night drew to a close, Ivan and Anna lay together, their bodies intertwined, their minds still reeling from the intensity of their roleplaying. The room was silent now, save for the soft sound of their breathing.

“We’ve created something beautiful here,” Ivan whispered, his voice filled with awe. “Something real, something that goes beyond the pages of any book.”

Anna smiled, her heart swelling with the truth of his words. “Yes,” she agreed, her voice soft and full of emotion. “We’ve written our own story, one that’s as complex and passionate as any we’ve read.”

Chapter Nine

The weather in Sleepy Hollow had turned cold and damp. It was the perfect day to stay indoors and get some work done. They were coming down to the wire. Classes would start in a few days, and while both Ivan and Anna worked on their lesson plans for the upcoming semester, they needed to finish them and make sure everything was ready. They spent the day in the office upstairs, the strains of Tchaikovsky and other classical composers setting a backdrop for their work. At some point, Ivan had slipped downstairs and made them lunch, bringing Anna a bowl of soup and grilled cheese while she worked.

That was something she adored about Ivan. He was always doing little things like that. A simple bowl of soup and grilled cheese was the perfect lunch for a rainy day, and he never complained about making it. They shared a shower when they got up to start their day, and he insisted on washing her hair and pampering her. He was still old school in some ways, opening doors, pulling out her chair at restaurants, walking on the outside of a sidewalk so that she wouldn’t get splashed. She knew there were some women who wouldn’t appreciate the simple gestures, but she did. It was common respect and courtesy, and it was refreshing.

The more she thought about it, the more she realized that Ivan had always been that way, even in college. He doted on her, their friendship building over the years into something more. Something they finally decided to act on. He smiled at her as he walked into the living room, handing her a cup of tea. It was chilly enough to light a fire, and the room was cozy, with the fire crackling merrily in the grate.

Ivan stood by the fireplace, his tall frame illuminated by the dancing light. His eyes, dark and intense, gazed at Anna where she sat in the leather armchair. He had asked her to change after dinner, to wear nothing but her sexiest bra and panties and robe to keep her warm until they started exploring another Russian masterpiece. “Anna,” Ivan said softly, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down her spine. “I want to share something with you—something that requires both trust and openness.”

Intrigued, Anna’s pulse quickened as she felt the intensity of his gaze. She sipped at her tea and watched him expectant. “Okay. What do you want to share?

Ivan sat across from her, leaning forward slightly, his posture both relaxed and commanding. “We’ve explored many facets of Russian literature together,” he began, his voice smooth and controlled. “But there’s a layer we’ve yet to fully delve into—one that involves the interplay of power, control, and surrender. In these texts, dominance and submission are often subtle, woven into the relationships between characters, but they carry a deep psychological and sensual weight.”

Anna’s heart raced as she listened, the idea both thrilling and slightly daunting. “You mean…like in The Master and Margarita,“ she said, recalling the complex, almost mystical relationship between the characters. “The way Woland, with his overwhelming power, controls and manipulates the others, yet there’s an undeniable allure to it—a seduction in his dominance.”

“Exactly,” Ivan replied, a pleased smile playing on his lips. “There’s a certain allure in the dynamics of control and surrender, where trust is the foundation. This can be mirrored in our own interactions—an exploration of literary BDSM if you will. But it must be consensual, respectful of boundaries, and deeply rooted in mutual desire.”

Anna’s breath caught in her throat as she considered his words. The idea of surrendering to Ivan, of giving up control within a framework of trust, sent a thrill through her that she couldn’t quite name. It wasn’t just about physical submission; it was about exploring a new level of their relationship, one where vulnerability and strength coexisted.

“How do we begin?” she asked, her voice soft, tinged with both anticipation and a hint of nervousness. She quickly finished her tea and set it on the side table. She leaned her cheek into Ivan’s hand when he cupped it before dropping a soft kiss on her lips.

“Take off your robe. You should be warm enough.” Ivan stood and moved to a small table near the bookcases where a few carefully chosen items were laid out—a silk blindfold, a pair of leather cuffs, and an old, worn copy of Dostoevsky’s The Idiot. He picked up the book, its pages yellowed with age, and returned to her, his gaze never leaving her face. “We start with trust,” he said, handing her the book. “In literature, as in life, the dynamics of power can be complex, but they can also be beautiful when explored with care. This book, The Idiot, explores the vulnerability of Prince Myshkin, a man who, despite his innocence, finds himself at the mercy of those around him. He is both a victim and, in some ways, a master of his fate—his goodness and purity giving him a power that others don’t fully understand.“ He admired the way the red lace bra hugged her breasts, the way the matching panties curved around her shapely behind.

Anna nodded, her fingers tracing the embossed letters on the cover as she absorbed his words. “I trust you, Ivan,” she said quietly, the weight of the admission settling between them.

“Good,” Ivan replied, his voice gentle yet firm. He set the book aside and took the silk blindfold in his hands, his movements slow and deliberate. “Close your eyes.”

Anna obeyed, her heartbeat echoing in her ears as she felt the cool silk brush against her skin. Ivan tied the blindfold in place, his fingers grazing her neck in a touch that was both tender and authoritative. The darkness heightened her other senses—the sound of his breathing, the warmth of the fire, the subtle scent of the leather from the books and the chair she sat in..

“In this space,” Ivan murmured, his lips close to her ear, “you are safe. You are free to explore, to feel, to surrender. The power I have is given by you, willingly, and can be taken back at any time.”

Anna’s breath hitched as she felt his hands gently securing the leather cuffs around her wrists, the sensation both foreign and electrifying. She felt the tug of the restraints as he fastened them to the wooden slats of the lower portion of the leather armchair, her movements now limited, her body attuned to every nuance of his presence. He patted her legs, curled under her, and she shifted, letting them hang over the edge of the chair, her feet dangling an inch from the floor.

“What do you feel, Anna?” Ivan asked, his voice low, almost hypnotic.

“Exposed,” she whispered, the word barely audible. “But also…protected. I’m aware of every touch, every breath. It’s…intense.”

Ivan smiled with a dark, satisfied expression. “That’s the beauty of surrendering control,” he said softly. “It amplifies everything—your senses, your emotions. But remember, you are always in control of your surrender.” He moved behind her, his hands resting on her shoulders, his touch warm on her skin. He leaned in, his breath hot against her ear as he spoke. “The characters in our favorite books often navigate the boundaries of power and vulnerability, of control and surrender. Like Prince Myshkin, you can choose to embrace your vulnerability, to find strength in it.” With a slow, deliberate movement, Ivan’s hands slid down her arms, taking the straps of her bra with them until they fell loose. His touch was light yet commanding, sending waves of sensation through her body. The tension between them crackled, the room filled with the unspoken promise of what was to come.

As he continued, he whispered passages from The Idiot into her ear, his voice weaving the words into a sensual narrative that intertwined with the physical sensations he was creating. Each passage was carefully chosen, emphasizing themes of power, innocence, and the complex interplay of dominance and submission.

“There is something at the bottom of every new human thought, every thought of genius, or even every earnest thought that springs up in any brain, which can never be communicated to others, even if one were to write volumes upon volumes about it; but every human being has his secrets, and this is mine.“ Ivan’s voice was a seductive murmur, the words dripping with the weight of hidden desires.

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