Page 33 of Our Satyr Prince

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He was probably halfway home from the secret bar at the back of the Kostia’s kithara school when the wine bottle between his fingers joined the cobblestones in their disobedience—leaping from his grip and smashing into a million stars.

“Ehhhh!” he shrieked at the pile of shards, mimicking their sudden spike of treble.

It was an annoyance, yes, but it didn’t delay him much. After all, there was plenty more where that came from.

The dark streets stumbled by in a blur, a few faces swirling around in a burgundy haze. All the while, the warmth of the wine grew within him, stoking a familiar urge, made even more gnawing and uncomfortable than usual.

Eventually, he found himself somewhere altogether unexpected. He thought he’d been heading home. Not that he’d been thinking too much about it, really. But rather than his luxurious flat in the best part of town, he found himself at the base of the wide stone stairs that led to the Pentheon. Great, roaring sconces at the building’s base made the column-wrapped edifice loom and glow against the dark.

It was a sight that cleaned away some of the wine haze, just as it also stoked the warmth beneath his skin.

Because round the back of the temple, down a little path and behind a little rocky outcrop, would be the priesthood buildings, all quiet and dark and silent. And through a first-floor window, easily reached by hopping a fence and climbing up a sturdy-branched pine, was a bedroom he knew all too well.

A bedroom where he could tend to his itching, aching warmth.

And yet, something stopped him before he could take his first step. It was the same thing that made him spit out onto the path—his saliva thick and laced with red-berry swirls.

It was the same thing that made him snort and turn on his heels, nose in the air.

He’d love that, wouldn’t he. Spending my last night of freedom here, with him? Like I’m some baby bird, coming to him as my only option?

Well, fuck that.

Fuck that!

I’ve got options.

I’ve got plenty of them!

Of course, he did. Because Aurelius was a wolf—virile and ferocious and deserving of fear. He could take what he wanted. He could hunt whoever he wanted!

And there was plenty of other prey he could find.

As Aurelius finally reached his flat, the image of golden eyes and towering strength filled his mind, making his skin prickle and his cock twitch.

Yes, there is no fun in hunting scared little rabbits.

Not when I have a bear in my sights.



The agora bustled with the early crowds of servants and old ladies, carefully inspecting the fragrant bundles of thyme and marjoram.

Teigra moved through the stalls in a sleep-deprived daze. Past the warm, honey-laden pastries which would usually tempt her senses. Past the mounds of pomegranates, a few torn open to display their ripeness—the thick, crimson juice dripping down onto the light gravel.

Just like freshly spilled blood...

They don’t know, she thought, walking the streets with new eyes—eyes that now knew how temporary it could all be. The grand architecture, built with the ingenuity that was the envy of the entire nation. The great Forum, flanked by manicured cypresses, where great ideas could be debated, and great art performed. The Lapiso Library. The workshops. The great, squat prominence of the Senate. And more than anything else, the people.

All these people, committed to logic and diplomacy, learning and art, without a sword or a shield to protect themselves.

And none of them know what is coming...

The Pentheon was quiet when she arrived. She bought a five-stick bundle of incense from the attendant: four short, one long. Four were to show respect. One was to show devotion.

In Mestibes that would usually be reserved for Mesti.

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