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“Fuck, Ava,” he groans, and I moan as I feel him come with me, filling me and claiming me entirely.

He rolls us to our sides, our legs wrapped in each other’s, our noses touching as we catch our breath.

“As much as I want to lie here naked with you forever,” he says softly, making me laugh, “I have a surprise for you.”

That makes my energy return, and I sit up, eyebrows raised as excitement flows through me. I’ve never had a good surprise before, and the idea that Axel has planned one for me makes me feel all warm and mushy. Dammit, I love this man so much. “What is it?”

He chuckles and stands, and I take a moment to admire the way the muscles on his back ripple as he stretches. “If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise now, would it?”

He’s got a point, but I pout anyway. He strolls to the wardrobe, pulls something out, and lays it on the bed. I gasp when I realize it’s a stunning blue dress, made of gorgeous satin with a skirt that flares out and a neckline that dips down, lined with pearls.

“Get dressed and come find me, okay?” he instructs, grabbing his clothes and giving me a smile as he exits the room, leaving me with no choice but to do as he asks.

I clean up quickly in the bathroom, smooth my hair down, and pull on the dress. Like everything he’s bought me, it’s a perfect fit. I feel like a princess in it and can’t help but spin around in front of the mirror to watch the skirt billow out prettily. The color highlights my eyes and brings out the flush in my cheeks. I feel beautiful for the first time, and I have Axel to thank for it.

Too excited to wait a second longer, I hurry to find him. I search the rooms before I catch a glimpse of something outside. The entire house looks brand new, and you’d never guess that those men ever broke in at all. I’m grateful for it because I truly love this house and would have been upset if it had been spoiled by such horrible memories.

I slip out the back door to the large garden. The flowers are in bloom, and the grass is damp with morning dew, sparkling in the sun. Axel is sitting on a wooden bench to the left of the door, and I head over to him, sitting beside him.

“I love it out here,” I say with a sigh as I settle into his side. “It’s so peaceful. So pretty.”

“I know you do,” he answers with a smile. “What are your favorite flowers, angel?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. I never had a chance to pick. I like them all.”

Axel kisses the side of my head. “Well then, I’ll get you every single type until you find your favorite,” he vows. “And when you do, I’ll plant a whole garden of them.”

I melt against him, grinning wildly.

“I have something to tell you,” he says, and I sit up straight, frowning at him. “It’s nothing bad, I promise.” That makes me feel a little better, but I still narrow my eyes at him, waiting for him to explain. He takes my hand in his, twining our fingers together. “I’m taking the Corbyn name legit.”

I blink, shocked. “What?”

“I don’t want my legacy to be one of blood and fear,” he says. “And you deserve a life as bright and beautiful as your heart. I want to be worthy of you, angel, and that means I want to create a life worthy of you, too. Besides, I’m tired of this. I’ve been in it for thirty-five years, and I don’t want to spend the next thirty-five like this. We have enough money and enough talent in this team to make a proper company. Security and PI and defense, but also investments and business. Our skills can be used for good as a team.”

“Axel…” I breathe, stunned. He’s mentioned wanting to be worthy of me before, but what he doesn’t understand is that he’s always been worthy of me. “I love you no matter what.”

He smiles softly. “I know you do, gorgeous. And I’m going to prove to you that I deserve that love. Let me give you the life you’ve always deserved, Ava. I want to provide for you in a way we can all be proud of. In a way our kids can be proud of.”

“I don’t know what to say,” I babble, tearing up. My heart skips a beat at his talk of our future, of children together. I’ve always wanted to be a mom, but I never thought I’d get the chance. There was no way I was bringing kids into the world I lived in under my father’s roof. But I’m free now, and Axel is showing me a whole new world. One where I really can have everything I’ve ever dreamed of.

“Say yes,” Axel murmurs in response and slides off the bench to one knee in front of me. My left hand is in his, and my mouth drops as he holds up a sparkling ring, hovering it over my ring finger. “Say you’ll marry me, angel. Say you’ll be my guiding light for the rest of our lives.”

As if there was ever any question of my answer.

“Yes, Axel,” I choke out, nodding fast. “Yes, I’ll marry you!”



Two Years Later

Itry to cover my laugh with a cough as I watch Nick, former second-in-command of The Crows and now Vice President of Corbyn Security, sneak my daughter yet another chocolate chip cookie.

Adeline, being her mother’s daughter, only has to bat her big blue eyes at any of her uncles to get what she wants. She’s only a year old and already the most spoiled little girl on the planet. She’s got Nick wrapped around her pinky, just like Ava does, and it brings me no end of amusement to watch him be softened by my girls. Even if I still do threaten to murder him for getting too close to my wife.

Some things never change after all.

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