Page 49 of All About Trust

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Memories of last night bring another smile to my face. Memories of Davis bent over the couch under me, calling my name, moaning my name. I’m getting hard again thinking about it. I consider marching into the kitchen and burying myself in him again… I look at my watch. Shit. No time for that.

I fling the covers back and force myself out of bed and back to reality.

The promise of coffee eases me to life as I make my way into the massive kitchen. This place is gorgeous. As is the man grinning at me, handing me a hot mug of coffee before I can even reach him.

“You’d better be careful,” I say, groaning with pleasure as I take a sip and life fills my veins.

“Oh, yeah?”

I nod. “Two mornings in a row I’ve woken up sexually satisfied and with coffee waiting for me. I could get used to that.”

Davey smirks at me, then glances away.

“You guys still getting ice in Asgard today?” Davey asks.

“Yep, that’s the plan,” I say. The first of the three new rinks will be ready to skate on today. Levi is beyond excited. He told Devyn it would be ready tomorrow, or maybe even the next day. He claims it’s nearly impossible to surprise that woman, so when he can, he goes big. He bought the Grizzlies complex and the lot across the street to create this hockey compound for her. The company name—Natasha Barnes LLC—is an homage to her love of all things Marvel, and their character names, hence the Asgard name for this first rink.

“Devyn will lose her mind.” He laughs, and I join him.

“Yes, she will, and I think Levi is more excited about that part than he is the actual ice.”

We share a smile, and he looks away again, too quickly. His eyes won’t settle on mine. Something I can’t read flickers in them. It’s hugely disconcerting.

“Keep me posted,” he says. He puts his mug down and steps across the room to grab his coat. I stay put. Fear churns in my gut. He’s having second thoughts. He’s freaking out. He’s going to bail. The small kiss barely hitting my lips and his inability to meet my eyes does nothing to dissuade that fear.

I take a deep breath when I hear the door click behind him. Fuck.

I barely have the chance to turn and head to the bedroom to prepare to leave when I hear the door open again.

Those long legs carry him back to me and the heat in those eyes… yes, that is the look I’m growing accustomed to. That is the look I crave from him – need from him. The look that makes my knees weak. He sweeps an arm around my waist and tugs my hips to his. Our entire bodies are flush now and those eyes are searing into mine.

I reach for his lips, and he pulls away. Fucker. I smile and so does he. His breathing growing increasingly rapid.

“Move in with me.”

And mine fucking stops. The entire world comes to a fucking halt. I can’t even form the one-word question I have. So, he answers it for me by repeating his.

“Move in with me.”

But this time it doesn’t sound like a question. Not quite a demand, either. Something in between.

Again, words are ping-ponging around in my brain and all I can utter is “Hunh?”

“I think it’s high time you got out of the hotel.”

I agree with that, but here? With him? Really? I stare at him, wondering if my eyes are conveying the absolute shock I’m feeling. He’s still holding our bodies flush together. Still holding his lips out of reach. While my heart rate is skyrocketing, his seems to calm down and a slow grin creeps across his lips.

“The guest room is really nice and is at the opposite end of the apartment, we’d hardly see each other.”

I scowl. His eyes continue to twinkle.

“Asshole,” I grumble at him.

He winks and those lips hit mine. He devours me and I let him.

“You’ll make the coffee?” I ask.

He laughs and nods.

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