Page 48 of All About Trust

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“Are you just now noticing that?” he chuckles.

“Well, no, but… yeah… sort of.” His skin is so gorgeous, and I’ve always loved staring at it, at the still-honed muscles of his body, at those long legs and massive hockey player thighs. I’d assumed everyone who was part of those back-to-back championships had the one-of-a-kind Grizzly prowling across their body somewhere. Brady and Nic have it on their arms. Devyn has it on her belly. Levi hadn’t been part of those years, but his record-setting time in the net here earned him the right to have it along with that spectacular Bucky Barnes tattoo that covers his entire left arm.

“I don’t do needles,” Davey says.



“They don’t hurt that bad, like once they get going and certain areas of the body…”

“No,” he says. “Not interested.”

Hmm. Okay. I wonder if there is more to it than that. He’s never commented on my assortment of ink. I glance at my sleeved arms and chest and look back at him. He’s looking at my tattoos, too.

“Don’t worry, I have no problem with your ink.”

“Are you sure?”


“Prove it.”

A wicked grin crosses his lips and Davey smashes me up against the tiled wall of the shower, out of the direct flow of the water. The coolness of the tiles momentarily takes my breath. Davey’s teeth nipping at my nipple threaten to never give it back.

My head falls back against the hard wall with a thunk, and I don’t care. All I care about is this man’s mouth on me. He nips at my nipples and scrapes his teeth along my pecks. Then those long fingers trace the buildings and the piano keys and the grizzly that roams across my arm. But touching isn’t enough. The tip of his tongue traces seemingly every line of ink as well. He slows his pace and it turns gentle and deliberate and holy hell, my cock roars back to life. I wish I had some ink there too.

He shuts the water off and nudges me out of the shower, dripping all over the pristine floors. He pushes me up against the counter. My cock stands at full attention, begging for him. Davey grabs a towel, folds it over twice, and drops it at my feet. I groan when he does the same.

Just when I think Carter can’t get any sexier. Stark naked, covered in tattoos and dripping wet, and there is no way I can resist.

Add to that his surprise when I fall to my knees before him. I don’t hesitate to take him all the way to the back of my throat. He groans again… and again… spurring me on. I’ve spent so many years being the taker. This desire to please someone else, this desire to please him, is overwhelming.

He hold his cock in one hand to steady it as I suck and lick and devour him. His other hand fists my hair, and I let him set whatever pace he desires. Whatever this man wants. Whatever makes him groan like that. My hands are now free to travel across his body, tracing the slopes of his muscles, and that ink, the stories I have yet to learn. Those will come in time. Time. Carter and I have time. Time to explore. Time to learn about each other.

I reach behind him and grab his muscular ass. My fingers dip between his cheeks and hold firm while he fucks my mouth. His breathing, the deep groans, I’ve already figured out his tell, the sign he is about to explode.

He goes quiet. The world goes still for just a moment.

My groan fills the silence when he unloads into my mouth. I drink in the salty liquid. Swallowing. Pulling it out of him until there isn’t anything left. I lick my way up his stomach to his mouth, filling his mouth with my tongue. The taste of him is fresh and hot. He moans and sucks my tongue hard into his mouth.

“Wow,” he whispers when he pulls away, in desperate need of air.

My sentiments exactly.

Chapter twenty-five

For the second morning in a row, I wake with a heavy arm flung over my shoulder and a warm naked body pressing against my back.

Wow, this is different. And oh, so damn nice. Last night. Last night had been a hell of a lot better than nice. I’m still trying to wrap my brain around all of it, but for the moment, I don’t care about processing anything. I just love the feeling of waking up with this man wrapped around me. Davis fucking George is naked and wrapped around me. This has all been so incredible. These last few weeks. Even the past two nights. Even the drunken slip. He’s been here for me through all of it. At the same time, I feel like every damn moment with him is a gift and at any second, it might be taken from me. He might be taken from me. I am determined to relish every moment, as if it is the last.

I’ve spent way too much of my life in a haze. I have an excellent reason to keep that haze clear from now on. And that reason is currently wrapped around me.

His lips press lightly against my shoulder and that heavy arm retreats. I remain buried in the comforter as the bed shifts with his weight and then the absence of it as he makes his way to the bathroom.

The shower begins immediately. I’ve never understood people who can do that. Roll right out of bed and into the shower. I can’t do a goddamned thing before coffee. I don’t feel the need to vacate this bed yet, anyway. It’s too damn comfortable. All of this is so damn comfortable.

I must have dozed back off because Davey is fully dressed when he walks out of the bathroom. I watch his long legs, clad in dark gray trousers, leave the room.

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