Page 180 of Guardian Daddy

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“Come on, Samantha. Polly, I’m sorry. I’ll get the service I use to come and get you.”

“No worries. I’m happy to take the bus.”

Rhodes shot the shy woman a stern look. “You will not. As Cate said, it’s not safe. You’ll let the service drive you. Come on, Samantha. I know you’re upset but you need to calm down.”

Ethan held his girl against his chest as she shook.

“Samantha has a set of lungs on her, huh?” Ethan said dryly to Polly.

Polly blushed.

“Why don’t you sit in the living room while you wait? Coffee? Soda?”

“Oh, I’m fine.”

“You might need more than water. I’ll get you a soda once I take Cate to her room.” Polly didn’t look fine. She seemed pale and shaky. “The sugar might help.”

Cate tightened her hold on him. “No.”

“No?” he murmured.

“Stay with you.”

“All right.” Ethan carried Cate into the kitchen with him. “What about you, my baby? You want some soda?”

“Chocolate milk.”

Surprise filled him. Chocolate milk? That didn’t seem like her usual choice.

“Chocolate milk right before bed? Now that sounds like it’s something for a special occasion only.”

She leaned back, her lower lip sticking out. “Samantha scared me.”

“Hmm. True. All right, chocolate milk just this once.”

“Thanks, you’re the best. And can I suck your cock while I’m going to sleep?”

“Of course you can, baby.”

She was definitely going to be the death of him.

Ethan waited until she was asleep to pull back, letting his dick slide from her mouth.

Cate let out a small murmur and he grabbed her pacifier from the nightstand, sliding it between her lips.

After she’d relaxed with a sigh, he stood and sent a text off before pulling on his clothes.

Then he walked into the garage where Seth was waiting for him.

“Brody managed to get into the cameras at her apartment building. They have cameras in all of the hallways and the entrance.”

They might actually capture this guy.

“Unfortunately, there’s not much to see. It’s like this bastard knew where all the cameras were.”

Seth turned his laptop toward him. He watched as a figure wearing a black baseball cap walked up to Samantha’s door and slid an envelope under it.

“Looks like a slim-built man,” Ethan said. “Or it could be a woman with her hair tucked under the cap. Dark clothing and no distinguishable features. So no real help at all.”

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