Page 8 of Forbiddenly Yours

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But damn, I was still just as attracted to her. I returned my focus to the others in the class as we spent the rest of the time discussing basic things about the book. It appeared that nearly everyone had already read it which would make it easier to delve deep into the curriculum.

Eventually, the bell sounded and the class stood up to leave. I needed some answers, so I waited, and when Nicole went to move past me, I reached out and touched her arm. The same jolt of electricity passed through my fingers, and I could tell by her startled reaction that she had felt it, too.

“I need to see you in my office, Miss Courtland. Will you return in an hour?”

I honestly thought she might protest, but she nodded. “Yes, Professor.”

She then slipped from my grasp and disappeared out the door. I returned to my desk and closed my eyes as her parting words echoed in my head. I needed to stop thinking about her in any way, but now, all I could imagine was hearing those same two words she’d told me when I’d mentioned wanting to fuck her sweet mouth.

“Yes, Callum,” she’d said, only now I could imagine hearing her cry out ‘Yes, Professor’ instead.


I was literally a nervous wreck ever since leaving Senior Lit class. I hadn’t known the professor’s first name when I registered, nor had I ever thought to ask Callum his last name. I’d assumed he was a college student, and he never said anything to make me think otherwise. I was wrong though, and nearly panicked when I looked into his face. The only comforting factor was that he seemed as genuinely surprised to see me. Well, surprised might not have been the right word. He looked almost stricken, or was that me projecting my feelings onto him? It didn’t matter. I now had no idea what I was going to do.

My thoughts were preoccupied all the way to my marketing class, and pretty much all the way through it. I was now wracked with the same indecent thoughts I had been the night before when in the tub. His voice throughout class made me shiver on more than one occasion, especially when all I could think about was his voice in my ear as he pushed inside of me. Callum was hands down the best lover I’d ever had, and while I’d hoped to put the sex we had in Costa Rica behind me and possibly meet someone else here in Chicago, that well-laid plan was now shot to hell.

I might not be able to have sex with him again, but it didn’t mean those memories would disappear so easily. I had a feeling I’d be getting much use out of my toys at home once I found the box I’d stashed them in.

God, he was so hot!

I knew deep down that it was wrong to have the hots for my teacher. It didn’t matter though because the forbidden nature made him even sexier to me, and he hadn’t even needed the additional help. He was sex on a stick, and unfortunately, one I would never get to have again.

“I’m so cursed,” I mumbled under my breath. A classmate nearby looked over at me with concern and I smiled at the girl. “My pencil broke,” I lied, and she offered me hers which I declined.

She gave me a slight shrug, then turned her attention back to the teacher who was now issuing his assignment for us. “And I expect it to be turned in on Friday.”

Friday? It was Wednesday, and I wasn’t even paying attention so I had no idea what I needed to do. I almost felt like breaking out into tears. This morning was supposed to have been a great one. I was finally out of my father’s shadow, and even though I was living in my uncle’s penthouse, he was in New York City so I was essentially out of his, too. I was supposed to be embarking on this new adventure, but so far it was turning out to be a nightmare.

This morning, I’d been rushing to get ready when I’d gotten a call from California. I just knew it had been the one I’d been dreading since hearing the news about my mother’s cancer. Something had to have happened for them to be calling so early. It was about four thirty in the morning in Los Angeles. I answered my mother’s number and nearly fell over in relief when it was just her and the silly photo taking. She’d made me take about twenty pictures and send them all to her, before also imparting her first day of school advice. While her soliloquy was long and poetic, my father’s had been simple.

“Kick some ass, Nicole,” he’d told me, and now the only ass I wanted to kick was my own.

I was jolted out of my period of self-loathing when the bell rang signaling the end of this class. I was about to ask the girl next to me about the assignment, but she seemed to be in a hurry. I had to figure out what I missed, and glancing over at the teacher, his stern expression let me know that he wasn’t the right one to ask. I grabbed my things, and when I saw another student lingering, I plastered on a smile and walked over to him.

“Hello, My name’s Nicole and I—”

“Nicole Courtland?” the guy asked as he turned around.

“How did you know my name?” My own curiosity was piqued at this point.

“I’m Travis Harrison. We have Senior Lit together. I—”

I thought back to my previous class and I did remember him sitting a few seats down from me. “Yes, of course. I’m sorry. It’s been one of those mornings for me.”

“I’m sure the day will get better,” he assured me before hefting his book bag over his shoulder. “Do you happen to have Trig with Professor Baldwin next?”

“Trig?” I asked, then quickly shook my head. “No, I have study hall.”

“That’s a shame,” he replied.


“We had the first two classes together, and I’ve always heard the third of anything is the charm.”

I smiled at his boyish grin. “I think I might’ve heard that a time or two before. Umm...” I didn’t know how to come out and tell him that I’d been daydreaming over our other professor, and that I didn’t know what the assignment we needed to do was, so I just stuck to this class. “I didn’t catch everything Professor Jones was saying. Would you happen to have the details on what we need to have done by Friday?”

“Yes, of course. Let me see your phone.”

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