Page 7 of Forbiddenly Yours

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I was once asked what it meant to be a Titan, and all I could muster was pride and responsibility. We had to uphold the reputations of generations of our family names, or at least most of us did. There were a few exceptions. Romeo was one of them. His upbringing was nothing like mine, but he fit in beside me as if he’d always been there. It was really the same in Manhattan, Los Angeles, and other places where we lived and played. Anton Kingston was another great example of that. He was more famous than any of us, but he was the first in the line of Kingstons, and if his son was anything like him, he wouldn’t be the last either. I smiled as I remembered last summer in the Big Apple. It was definitely more play than work back then, but Chicago was different. It was now time to get ready to start my first full school year.

“I wish I would’ve woken up sooner,” I grumbled under my breath as I turned down the hallway to my class. Being here did make me happy, even if my bed was competing with it strongly today. Remembering the happiness that teaching brought me did soften my mood, and even more so when I saw the professor whose class was just across the hall from mine.

Erin Reed also taught Literature, and the two of us had met over the summer to discuss course curriculum and other things before I jetted off to Marbella for the rest of it. She was pretty, even though she was about six years older than me. Her long, auburn hair was pulled into a bun, and those candy painted red lips of hers could be seen from a distance.

“Hi, Callum,” she said as soon as she reached me. “How are you doing this morning?”

I gave a slight shrug. “I was nearly late and had to break two traffic laws to get here on time, but otherwise, I’m doing as well as can be expected for the first day of school.”

“First days are always the hardest,” she said, then grew silent. She then looked down and next thing I knew, she was pushing the cup toward me. “I’d bought you a coffee.”

Normally, I would tell her that she didn’t need to do that, and I would probably even politely decline it, but seeing as the morning was already starting off on the wrong foot, I happily accepted it.

“You’re a lifesaver,” I told her, even though I didn’t know what kind she had bought me. It could’ve been one of those girly drinks that was more for looks than taste, but I still wouldn’t have cared. “I was just wondering how I was going to make it through these first few classes.”

Erin beamed brightly, her smile radiating. She really was pretty, and I heard from others that she had a slight crush on me. I just wished I could even halfway reciprocate it because I did find her fascinating most days. On others like this one, she was a godsend.

“You know me,” she said. “Always in the right place at the right time.”

“And that’s a great quality to have,” I assured her, then nearly lost my cup of coffee when a kid came rushing past me and his backpack swung and hit my arm. I managed to save it just in time, and I grinned at her. “I better get this to class. Good luck with yours.”

Erin seemed a bit disappointed that I didn’t want to stay longer, but she quickly wiped her features clean. “Good luck, Callum.”

She swiftly turned and I watched her head back to her class. Her ass swayed in the tight pencil skirt, but there was no attraction to be found with her. I didn’t know why because I was certain I could make her scream in ways she’d never imagined. She had told me about the opera singing she did off and on while in college, and I was sure her high pitch cries could mirror ones in those performances. Alas, there was no spark whatsoever and I viewed her as nothing more than a colleague.

Well, usually. This morning, she was an angel because this coffee was sorely needed. Remembering the near disaster from a few seconds ago, I gripped it firmly in my hand and entered my classroom. A few students had arrived, and deciding to wait out the last ten minutes before the bell, I disappeared into the back to my office. I dropped my briefcase at the door, and sat down behind my desk. I then lowered my head and sniffed the scented steam coming from the top of the cup.

“The moment of truth,” I said aloud, then peeled off the top.

A sigh of relief filled me as it appeared to be nothing more than coffee with creamer. I took a large swallow of it, and hoped the caffeine worked quickly. I had my first class of the day on the first day of the year and more than just students got jitters during it. I was living proof.

I pushed all worries out of my head, downed half of the cup, then opened my briefcase to retrieve the class syllabus. After a quick glance at my watch, I knew it was time to meet my class. I grabbed the list of student’s names, but hopefully I wouldn’t need it after this week. I was a quick study and often memorized names and faces, so it would make roll call easier in the future.

When I reentered the classroom, I glanced up and noticed all of the seats were taken. This was a full class, and it appeared as if everyone made it this morning on time. Hopefully, this was a prelude to the rest of the year. I walked to the front, then hopped up onto my desk to sit. I looked out at the students, many of whom were not even paying attention. I was about to clear my throat, but the sound of the bell did that for me, and nearly everyone turned around to face me.

“Welcome to Senior Lit. My name’s Professor Meyers and since you’re stuck with me for the next few months, let’s get started with roll call.” I held the piece of paper up and started to run down the list of names. “Meghan Adams. Rose Astley. Brian Borne. Nathan Cawthorn. Nicole Courtland—”

“Here,” the girl said, and there was something strangely familiar about her voice. I’d heard it somewhere before and when I saw ‘Nicole’ and her response echoed in my ear, I looked up and the air left my chest in a whoosh.

I couldn’t see her, but she was “Nicole” from Costa Rica. I glanced around one guy and when I did, I saw her doing the same. Our eyes met and I wasn’t sure whose showed more panic. Hers or mine? The very girl I’d seduced weeks ago was now sitting in my classroom looking just as hot as she had back then.

Her presence didn’t make any sense. She ‘d told me that she went to Stanford, and if so, what the hell was she doing in Senior Lit at UChicago? I hadn’t even told her my last name or what school I worked at in the city.

The rest of the class grew silent, and not wanting to draw unnecessary attention, I continued down the list. “Brandon Dawkins. Gregory Flowers. Travis Harrison...”

By the time I had checked the last name off of my list, I set it on the desk beside me. I happened to look up and noticed the massive wall of a man blocking Nicole from my eyes had ducked down to retrieve something from his bag which gave me a clear view of her. She was looking directly at me, and a slew of memories came rushing back for me. I almost wondered if the faraway look on her face meant she was thinking about the same things as me.

I could clearly remember her salty skin and how it tasted. I had feasted on not only her pussy, but I had tongued nearly every inch of her over the course of the night we’d spent together. I could recall the way she’d cried out my name, how she’d gripped me tightly as I drove into her. And mostly, I remembered how her entire body tensed in the moment she’d climaxed, and how tightly her pussy had strangled my cock right afterward.

A slight blush crept up her cheeks, and I noticed it just before the man sat back up. I wanted to growl and curse at him for impeding my view because I knew Nicole was thinking about the way I’d fucked her. She was thinking the same thing I was. I guess in hindsight, I was glad for the distraction the other man provided because I needed to focus on class. Remembering the syllabus, I picked it up and cleared my throat.

“For the first semester, we’re going to read a 1925 novel by the great F. Scott Fitzgerald. Forget the movies and everything else you’ve heard or read about this book. We’re going to dig deep into the meaning, hidden symbolism, and break down the plot over the course of the next few weeks. This is a required reading book, so there’ll be both solo, team, and group projects as we delve into this classic tale of Gatsby’s doomed love for Daisy.”

I could see everyone immediately go to their bags for the book and I leaned back and opened the top drawer of my desk and removed mine. Ever since I was a boy, I’d loved books. While some might consider my charmed life a fairytale, I actually enjoyed reading about the strength of the underdog. I suppose that this novel always stuck with me because no matter how much wealth Gatsby had, he’d lacked the one thing he’d wanted above all else. Love!

I started polling some in the class, careful not to call on Nicole. I kept trying to pretend that she wasn’t there, but I couldn’t because my eyes kept going to hers over and over. She was even more beautiful than I remembered, not that I wasn’t somewhat intoxicated both times. I’d really only seen her twice before. Once was at ayahuasca, and the other was in my pool before I took her to my bed. I got immediately hard just thinking about that, so I pushed those thoughts aside.

I could try to forget how tight she was when I was driving into her, and the sounds she made as she climaxed, but I’d never forget those piercing eyes of hers. They were as dark as her hair, but so expressive. I honestly felt more than once that night that I could see into her soul. Throw in her prominent cheekbones and lush lips, and it was a recipe for disaster considering we were no longer random strangers hooking up on a tropical island. I was her teacher and she was my student, and it needed to stay that way. Anything more than that, and even my Titan title might not save my job.

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