Page 10 of Forbiddenly Yours

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“Manhattan?” he said, then actually looked stricken once more. “Jonas Courtland is your uncle?”

Okay, so maybe he was well aware now of my familial heritage. “Yes, and I’m here to finish my degree. I didn’t even know you were a teacher. I assumed you were a student like me.”

It was still hard to believe because he didn’t look much older than me at all. He also didn’t strike me as the type of man my father and uncle were, but a quick glance over at some of the pictures on the wall, it all was crystal clear now. In most, he was at some black tie event wearing a tuxedo, and I had to admit, he looked even hotter in one. I shook my head at my own stupidity. This man had been rude and called me a liar, yet here I was practically drooling over pictures of him.

“We can’t do what we did in Costa Rica again. In fact, we can’t speak about it, either. Continuing on with it would be highly unprofessional, and I have a career to think about.”

My mouth dropped open slightly before I closed it. He thought I was in his class so we could end up in bed together again. While the thought wasn’t so unappealing a few seconds ago, it was now.

“I didn’t even know your last name. We, ahh, didn’t exchange too much information about one another because we were busy doing other things.”

I saw something flare in his eyes, and another shiver overtook me. “I’m going to need you to transfer out of my class. I don’t want to see you every morning, and—"

“I was lucky to get into this class, which is a requirement of graduation, so no I will not just drop it and risk the possibility of not completing my degree.” I was still standing tall. I might not be a Titan myself, but I was raised to back down to no one, including men who shared the same power as my father and uncle.

“In light of what happened between us, this is wholly inappropriate to remain in my class. I’m sorry, but if you won’t remove yourself voluntarily, I’ll have you taken out of here myself.”

I knew what he said was no idle threat either. Titans were used to getting what they wanted, when they wanted it. I knew he didn’t want me in his bed, but I would be damned if I let him remove me from his class because he couldn’t forget me any more than I could forget about him.

“If you can’t keep things professional, then that sounds like a personal problem, and not one I wish to concern myself with. You’re the one with the issues. Not me, and certainly not this non-existent ‘us.’ I’m not removing myself, and if you dare to try, I’ll bring the wrath of the entire Courtland family down on you and this University.” I was practically shaking, but I stayed resolute.

He growled, and even it made me feel a certain sort of way. I waited for him to say something, and when he just stood there scowling, I reached down for my bag. “This isn’t over by a long shot,” he finally said.

I smiled at him. “It was over after the seventh orgasm in Costa Rica. It was over when I did the walk of shame to the taxicab from your beach house. And, I can positively guarantee you that if there was ever any doubt about how final it was, there is no more. The moment I realized you were my teacher, it was not only over, but dead and buried. You have nothing to worry about with me. I simply want to be treated fairly compared to the other students, and get the credits needed to graduate.”

“I still think you should—”

“No,” I said, raising my voice a few octaves. “I’m staying in this class and that’s final.”

After storming out of his office, I realized how badly I was still shaking once I got out into the hallway. I didn’t linger in case he decided to come after me, and I hurried out of the building and across campus to where my next class was located.



“I disagree,” she said, and I looked over at her.

Nicole had been becoming more of a thorn in my side with each passing day. I couldn’t honestly pinpoint why either. It could be the way she’d moved closer to the front of the class and proceeded to argue with me day in and day out. Or, it could even be the way she’d practically hung all over another student. I shouldn’t be jealous, but deep inside, the green eyed monster was alive and well. I couldn’t be with her the way I still wanted to be, so it was for the best that she found a classmate who could be for her what I couldn’t.

I still wanted to fuck her again, especially when she’d question me in front of the entire classroom. It was like foreplay, even though I kept telling myself it was something different. Like for example, we were discussing the true moral of the novel, and she couldn’t even let that one go without responding differently. I pushed away from my desk and walked over to where she was sitting.

“And what is your take on it?”

I’d tried not to let on how much her mere presence affected me over the course of the last month, but some irritation still managed to creep into my voice causing her to smirk. Her lips. I’d tried to forget them, but I still vividly remembered the way they felt wrapped around my cock that one night.

“I believe it’s less about the American dream being unattainable as it is about desire, love, or possibly both.”

The last thing I wanted to even talk about was desire when it was with the object of mine. Unless we could go back to that time in Costa Rica when we’d been two strangers finding pleasure with each other, I could never act on mine for her. Even if I wasn’t her teacher, there was a far greater thing stopping me now. It was likely the reason I even allowed her to stay in my class and didn’t follow through with my threat to have her removed myself.

She was the daughter of a Titan. I didn’t know her father very well, but I sure as hell did her uncle. If Jonas knew I’d touched Nicole, he would kill me. The man’s promiscuous reputation had certainly preceded him, and mine wasn’t far off from what his had been before he’d fallen back in love with Kenzie.

“Part of the American dream is love,” I remarked.

Travis Harrison chimed in. “Is it really? Or is love some sort of reckless fantasy?”

“Exactly,” she said, and I watched the two as they smiled at one another. They had become close, and not just in my classroom. On occasion, I’d see them together on campus which only fed my jealousy. I had tried to move on myself, but my vulgar thoughts of her were still firmly cemented in my head to the point that I’d use my hand to get myself off instead of one of the many women I had to choose from. I was a Titan, but acting like some foolish boy unable to move on from a crush.

“Do either of you care to elaborate more?” I didn’t really want to know what they thought any longer, but the rest of the class was watching our exchange too intently.

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