Page 11 of Forbiddenly Yours

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“It’s really quite simple. All five relationships inside the book were driven by desire. Perhaps love too, but mainly lust. And of those different relationships, the only one to survive was the most volatile one of them all. Tom and Daisy should’ve been the first couple to destruct, yet it was the only one that lasted which symbolizes that love means nothing. It’s a destructive force that—”

The bell interrupted her, and I for one was glad. I stepped back and was about to return to my desk when I turned around. “Will you return to my class during your study hall?”

It was the first time I’d asked her to come back. We normally did this little dance in class, then would forget the other until we saw each other again the next day. I didn’t miss the way she sighed, but she answered, “Yes, Professor.”

With that, she turned back to Travis and he took Nicole’s bag from her hand. I watched them leave just as students from my next class began to filter in. This would be a long fucking hour, but I would go over the same topics in it as I did in my last class. I just likely wouldn’t have the woman I couldn’t erase from my mind taunting me for all to see.

I let out a low growl as I walked back to my office to get a bottled water. I chugged the cold liquid down, then returned to class which seemed to go a hell of a lot quicker than my first one. When finished, I returned to my office.

Time seemed to stand still before I heard a soft knock on the door. When I looked up, Nicole was standing in the doorway. She was wearing a lightly colored sundress which was the perfect contrast for her darkly tanned skin. Her long hair was pulled up into a ponytail and only when I was tempted to remove the scrunchie and run my hands through all that ebony silk did I finally tear my gaze away from her.

“You may enter,” I told her.

She did and I watched as she walked toward my desk and took a seat. “May I ask what I did?”

I let out a sarcastic chuckle. “I’m sure you’re very aware of what you’ve done, and have been doing since the first day of school.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

She was now being just as sassy as she was in class, and I couldn’t help asking. “What happened to that girl in Marbella?” She’d been quiet, except when I hit certain spots inside of her. Her reactions to me fucking her back then were not in question, though.

“That girl is still in Costa Rica. You told me that we needed to keep things professional, and I agree, so I think talking about her would be very—”

“You’re right,” I replied, then stood up. I noticed the door was open, and I closed it before rounding on her. “I want to discuss your combative behavior in class. You—”

“Combative?” This time, Nicole stood up. “If someone shares an opinion that’s different than the great Professor Meyers then they are being combative?”

“No, but you have to admit that there seems to be extra motivation behind your daily outbursts. I mean—”

She stepped in front of me, and it took all the restraint I had to not draw her even closer. “My motivation is graduation. In case you have forgotten, I’m a senior, and this class is a requirement.”

“Were you like this back then?”

“Back when?”

She was so damn close that I could feel the warmth of her breath on my skin. It reminded me of the night I had buried my head between her neck and shoulder and made her come. Fuck, I needed to forget about Costa Rica, but I couldn’t. I looked into her eyes and could see her arched brow.

Remembering her question, I cleared my throat. “Stanford. Did you argue with all of your teachers about everything, or is that simply reserved for me?”

“If I have a point to make, I make it no matter who the recipient is. I might not be the male version of a Titan like my father, uncle, and brother, but I back down to no one much like one of them. Like one of you.”

“Since you want to bring them up, you must also know how unwise it is to poke one.”

In Chicago, I was used to women pursuing me, then later dropping down onto their knees because of my title while Nicole just seemed to mock it. The fact that she was in my office standing practically nose to nose with me, and completely unaffected, made me hard. She made me hard. Everything she did aroused me, and if I could just fuck her one last time, maybe I’d get it all out of my system. I then remembered Travis.

“Is it the same with him?” I regretted the question the moment I asked it.

“Is what the same with who?”

“Travis. Does he fuck you the way I—”

This time, my words were cut short not by her argumentative tongue, but by her hand. She had struck me and when she raised her hand to do it again, I grabbed her wrist. She tried to free it from my grasp, but I tightened my hand around her.

“That’s none of your business. I could go to the Dean and tell him what you’ve done.”

I let her wrist go, but not because of the Dean. She moved toward the door, but before she could even raise her hand to the handle, I let out a low growl. “You could, but we both know you won’t.”

That caused her to spin around. She put her dainty hands on her small hips. “What makes you so sure about that?”

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