Page 63 of Deceptively Yours

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His penthouse was truly amazing, but a part of me yearned for the type of home we both grew up in. Maybe down the road, we could discuss moving, but I didn’t want to uproot him, or make him feel as if I needed that. I was happy enough to just be with him, no matter where in the city it was.

“I can’t wait for that, either.” Another yawn escaped and although I tried to cover it up, he heard it anyway.

“It sounds like you need to take a nap, Harper. Get some rest, and we’ll talk later.”

“Okay,” I told him, then added, “I love you, Gabriel.”

“I love you, too.” The line disconnected, and I didn’t even try to stifle my next one. He was right. I did need some rest.

I got up and made sure my door was locked before returning to the couch. I turned on the television knowing it would put me to sleep, and it wasn’t long before it did. I fell asleep and when I woke up, I was not only suffering from leg cramps due to the way I had been lying, but it was also nearly morning.

I had evidently slept for several hours, and knowing a few more couldn’t hurt, I picked up my cellphone and carried it into the bedroom. I plugged it up to its charger, then got undressed and crawled under the blankets on my bed. From there, I dozed back off, only waking up when the sunlight began streaming through my windows.

When I rolled over, I noticed I had a few messages. One or two were from Gabriel, and deciding to answer those first, I responded to his questions about getting rest, then I started to scroll through the others. I had a visit with my client this afternoon, then I needed to start packing. I went ahead and placed the order for boxes, then looked at the message from Jackson.

I’d only mentioned his name once or twice to Gabriel, but in casual conversation. I hadn’t told him Jackson was helping with my inheritance, and the suspected murder of Franklin and Ashley Blake. I also hadn’t told my friend about my move or reconciliation with my ex. I knew I needed to tell him everything that had happened, and I was now sad to realize I actually was leaving someone so important to me behind.

He’d been here for me strictly as a friend, and I would miss him a lot once I moved for good. I’d need to set some time aside tonight to talk to him. He deserved to hear it from my lips in person rather than some platonic ‘Dear John’ type of call.

After telling him I would get back to him soon, I got up and showered so I could meet with my client. What I wanted to show them was not only saved to my laptop, but I had the physical swatches so they could see everything the same way I had when drawing up the plans. All of that was in the bag I’d brought with me from Chicago, so I charged my laptop for an hour as I transferred the other stuff to my briefcase. Once done, the laptop joined everything else, and I grabbed my cellphone and purse.

The weather today was fairly mild with temps around sixty. It was a far cry from those just above freezing in Chicago when I’d left. Having gotten plenty of rest since arriving back in this city, I decided to leave early and just walk the block south to a coffee shop where I had advised my clients to meet me.

I exited my apartment building and began my walk to my destination. I would miss some parts of this city. I loved the downtown living and walkability of this place. I suppose, I would have the same in Chicago, only I planned to actually sublease some office space there so I’d have a work studio and more professional place to meet with clients.

I’d already done a few interviews, and since that time, some had already started to reach out to me for a consultation. In Portland, I was no one special, but in Chicago, I was the woman who slayed a Titan, and a very popular one at that. Gabriel was recognized city-wide, and because I was now on his arm, I would be, too.

I hesitated at the curb and once the sign flashed to walk, I headed across the street. I was still smiling knowing it wouldn’t be too long before I would be back in Gabriel’s arms. I’d also have my bestie, and partner in crime, at my side, and we’d already started discussing having girls only time together.

Charlie was single, and even though she attended an event or two with Noah, I suspected she actually had eyes for a different Titan. Daxon Faulkner seemed oblivious to her attraction, but with my help, we would see if it was from lack of interest, or if he was just that blind when it came to women.

I made it halfway across the street before I heard brakes screeching. I looked up just in time to see a car barreling toward me. I jumped back and the vehicle with tinted windows kept going right past me. My briefcase had fallen in the melee. I flipped off the car, then quickly picked up my bag and hurried the rest of the way across the street.

Once inside the coffee shop, my heart was still beating rapidly in my chest. I found a table in the corner that would be big enough for me to show them what I needed to, and I spent the next several minutes setting up my laptop and getting the design board opened so it would be ready for my clients once they arrived. The task had distracted me some until it was done and I realized how freaked out I was by my near demise.

“It would figure that I finally get you back, only to lose my life to some nut who can’t drive,” I muttered to myself. It would be some fucked up form of karma, and one I wasn’t even surprised would happen to me. If I didn’t have bad luck, I’d have none at all.

“Harper Grimes,” I heard a woman say and I looked up to see my client and her husband.

“Yes,” I told them as I stood up and extended my hand to each. “It’s very nice to finally meet you in person.”

“Likewise,” they repeated in unison as I motioned for them to sit.

We all ordered a cup of coffee, then I spent the next hour going over everything I had come up with. They loved it once they saw it all come together, even if they wanted a few things changed. They didn’t like the color red, so I would switch it out with something else.

“Red is so aggressive, and I would prefer something more soothing like green.”

Green it is. I had a few other swatches with me and after finding a sage one, we were all in agreement on the design. I would send those off to my assistants, and return to Portland to unveil the final design in a month or two. When the meeting adjourned, I gathered up my things and had just stepped outside when a loud rumble of thunder boomed overhead.

I should’ve just grabbed a cab, but not seeing any lightning, I assumed I had time to make it back to my place since it was less than a five-minute walk away. I had guessed wrong because midway there, the skies opened up and it rained down on me like a monsoon.

My boots splashed through the puddles as I ran toward the safety of my building. When I finally arrived, I looked like a drowned rat. I was home, so I’d take a shower and change clothes, then start my packing. The boxes had been delivered and were sitting outside of my door. I dragged them into my unit, then shed my wet boots, and clothes before padding to the bathroom in my damp lingerie.

I remembered Jackson, and returning to the living room for my phone, I sent him a text message to let him know to bring Chinese with him. From there, I finished getting undressed and went into the bathroom.

Showering alone was something I didn’t too often in Chicago. Gabriel always wanted to join me, but it wasn’t just to wash up. I leaned back against my cold tiles and closed my eyes as memories of the different showers we’d taken together came rushing back to me. It wasn’t just sex with him, either. Sure, the physical part of our relationship was beyond my wildest expectations, but I knew he genuinely loved me, and I loved him in return.

The water began to run cold, and I opened my eyes to find the lights had gone out. I quickly exited the shower and staggered over to the light switch, but it wouldn’t turn on. From my bedroom window, I could see how dark it had gotten outside from the storm, which was raging on. Lightning flashed across the skies, then loud rumbles of thunder followed.

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