Page 62 of Deceptively Yours

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I kissed her hard, but quickly, before pulling away yet still keeping her in my arms. “How enamored are we talking?”

She grinned, but before she could respond, Charlie tugged at her arm. “There’s something else I want to show—”

I cleared my throat. “Harper and I are going to go upstairs.”

I hadn’t planned to leave the event so quickly, but knowing what awaited us upstairs pretty much sealed the deal. I’d already arranged to have rose petals scattered across the bed like we’d had on the night of homecoming, and I planned to make love to her all night like I had then, too. My cock hardened in my pants, and I chuckled at Charlie’s exasperated expression.

“Why don’t you put Dax out of his misery and give the man a dance,” I told her, then pulled my date away.

We got stopped once or twice as we made our way to the exit, but I had been able to speak for the two of us and keep us moving. Once we made it to the lobby, I saw a clear shot to the elevator. I tugged lightly on her arm and she tried valiantly to keep up with my long strides, but couldn’t. I slowed my steps until she caught fully up to me.

“You’re acting like you’re in a marathon.”

We made it to the elevators and I pushed her into it when the doors opened. Thankfully, no one else was inside so I pressed the floor key, then pinned her against the wall as it started to ascend.

“Marathon, no. But needing to get you out of this dress and into my bed, hell yes.”

“I like the sound of that,” she told me moments before I fused my mouth to hers.

I kissed her until the elevator stopped and it wasn’t long before I had her in the room. She gasped at the sight of the candles and rose petals, but those sounds turned to something much different once I got her naked. We spent the rest of the evening recreating one of the best nights of my entire life. In fact, she agreed that it was one of hers too as she lay in my arms afterward.



A week after the charity event, I had flown to Portland for two reasons. The client I was working with happened to be one of the last new ones I’d planned to take on as I worked to eventually relocate my business to Chicago. I once had grand plans to move to Los Angeles, but Chicago was where my dream began, and it was only right that it would be where it ended.

The other reason for going to Portland was the best one of them all. I was going to pack up my apartment, and I’d finally have all of my things in Chicago with me. Granted, I didn’t need my furniture so all of it was being donated to a charity for resale, but I still needed a small moving truck for all of my other items.

Some were sentimental things of my parents, and others were stuff I accumulated over the years that meant a great deal to me. There was also all of my work stuff, not counting the two closets I had to pack up. Just thinking about the sheer number of shoes I possessed had me shaking my head.

“That’s the best thing I could ever hear.” He’d told me about that news, before settling back between my thighs. Once I orgasmed, he raised his head and smirked. “Well, your moving here permanently is maybe the second best thing.”

I was smiling the entire flight to Portland, and even now as my Uber drove away from the airport toward the West End where my apartment was located. The complex was located between the downtown retail and pearl districts, providing a stellar view from my windows.

It’d been over a month since I’d been there, and I was glad now that I hadn’t gotten a pet a few months back when I had thought about it. I’d barely ever been able to keep a fish alive more than a few days, so that had also been a determining factor in my decision. At the moment, it’d been the right one to make.

“You from these parts?” my driver asked me after having noticed me looking at the passing scenery with such rapt fascination.

“I’ve lived here for a few years, but I’m moving back home.”

“Where’s home, if you don’t mind me asking.”

“Definitely not,” I replied, then continued, “I’m moving back to Chicago.”

“That’s a great place, too. I’ve been a few times for a baseball game or what not.”

The conversation ended as he pulled up along the curb. I didn’t have many bags with me. In fact, I had a single carry-on because there was no need to traipse a bunch of stuff to Oregon, only to have to bring it back to Illinois next week. I had more stuff than I knew what to do with in Portland as is. I exited the vehicle, then entered the building. Mine was on the fourth floor so after taking the elevator, I keyed in my access code and stepped inside of my apartment.

The first thing I’d noticed was how chilly it was inside. I moved immediately over to the wall thermostat and turned on the heat. When I’d left, the weather in Portland had been very mild. It’d been much different in Chicago and Washington D.C. It would take the place a little while to warm up, so I grabbed my cellphone out of my purse and sat on the couch. Gabriel wanted me to let him know once I made it home, so I laid across the cushions and covered myself with the warm throw blanket.

I wasn’t sure whether he was busy in a meeting or with a client, but I decided to call him anyway. If he didn’t pick up, I’d just send a text message instead. I yawned as I scrolled through my contacts. He’d woken me up early this morning, and that was after not letting me go to sleep early the night before.

It was all worth it, though. There was nowhere else I’d rather be than in his arms. Besides, sex with him was amazing. After all of it that I’d had over the last month, I was glad to be home where I had access to a few toys because there was no way I could last an entire week without him.

The phone rang twice before he picked up. “Hey, Gabe. I wanted to let you know I made it back ho... back to my place here.” I had almost called this place home and I knew it would make him wonder whether I had changed my mind or not, and that was the last thing I wanted to do.

“I can’t wait until you’re calling to tell me that you’ve made it back to our place.”

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