Page 69 of Merger

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Shit. How the hell had I gotten that wrong? "Okay, sorry I brought it up. Clearly I was wrong."

"What's with you and Atticus?” he asked incredulously. “You should be looking out for Morgan. She needs someone her own age, some college guy who's worried about his internships. Not me."

"I'm sorry, Lance, but you have to see it. You are one of the smartest guys I know. You're telling me you do not see the Morgan thing?"

He shook his head. "I—No. Never going to happen. And you’ll be happy to know I’m dating. There’s a girl. A woman. Her name is Elia. It’s newish, but she’s appropriate. The right age. She’s smart. And she—" He shook his head. “She’s appropriate, Gwen. I need that.”

I blinked slowly, sure I wasn’t hearing that right. "Elia. You're for real?" For some reason, I couldn’t see it. Was he serious? Who was this woman?

He nodded. "Yeah. I am. I need appropriate. Someone steady."

I watched him warily, pretty sure I was being punked. "This Elia, what does she look like?"

"She's tall, with blond hair. Her mother's Scandinavian."

"Scandinavian," I parroted back. Every single girlfriend I’d ever known Lance to have had dark hair and was shorter and curvier, like my sister. Some tall, willowy blonde didn't seem like it fit. It took me a moment to realize he was still talking.

“And technically, Atticus wasn't your type either.”

I rolled my eyes. “Atticus is everyone's type. You have eyeballs. That man is fine.” But he had a point. I had tended to go for the guys who looked geekier and nerdier. The ones not encased in quite so much self-confidence.

You have to try harder. This is Lance, and he’s excited. Be there. Support him.

"I'm sorry. I'm just surprised. You caught me off guard."

He shrugged. "It's all right. Yeah, so anyway, at some point, I'd like you to meet her. She's very interested in meeting you because I talk about you all the time."

Oh God. What had he said exactly? "Right. Of course. I'm so happy for you, Lance."

I threw my arms around him and hugged him tight, trying to let all the love I felt for him and his happiness really seep in. "I was just surprised. I thought you and..." I shook my head. “Never mind.”

"No, it's fine."

"Big step for you."

He lifted a brow. "Be nice, Gwen."

"I am being nice. I am genuinely happy for you. You know that's all I've ever wanted."

He fixed me with his serious eyes. "And that's all I've ever wanted for you. You know that."

"Yeah. I know."

"You seem happy with Atticus, assassin notwithstanding."

I choked out a laugh. "Oh my God. For real?"

He laughed at that. "Only you would have an assassin on you and still be like, ‘Oh, but I have to get this release out.’"

"Hey, I take work very seriously."

His laugh was so easy and familiar. "I know. But I'm glad that you are letting yourself enjoy life a little bit. That's all I ever wanted for you."

"Thanks. And when Elia comes, I will take her to lunch or something. Provided I'm allowed to leave the house by then."

"You'll be allowed to leave the house. I promise.” He reached out and squeezed my hand. “This will all be over soon."

There was no way any of us could be sure of that. "We hope so. But last I checked, bestie, you are not clairvoyant."

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