Page 68 of Merger

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True to his word, Atticus hadn't gone all me Tarzan, you Jane on me.

But he had, very quietly, made sure that everywhere I went, he went.

Andrew had worked with my new assistant, Maya. I still had Carrie too, of course, but my new position as majority shareholder made the workload more than she could handle on her own. I turned up at work and there was Maya. She said she was there to make my life easier.

Honestly, it was very handy, because those smoothies Atticus liked to make me drink, she brought them to me.

She also brought one to him.

Because he was right there in my office. All the time. He had completely abandoned his. If he had a meeting, I joined him. And if I had a meeting, he joined me. He tried to give my team a little bit more privacy, because they would clam up if he was in their presence, but he was never more than ten feet away.

If I worked from home, he worked from home. It had been like this for a week.

He hadn't hired more people; he just made it a point that we were going to be together.

He also made it a point that under no circumstances was he going to revisit the conversation I had brought up after I had escaped. I wanted to be used as bait to draw out the person trying to kill me. But no. I'd even brought it up to Pierce and Gavin. Gavin laughed like I was insane. Pierce just shook his head, even though I could tell he thought it wasn't a bad idea.

"You're going to keep staring at him? It's disconcerting the way you two ogle each other."

I turn to Lance on the balcony of the penthouse. "What do you mean?"

"You are so aware of each other. And now every time you go out or you do anything, there he is, like a controlling boyfriend."

I frowned at him. "It's not like that."

"No, I know. I'm just saying it's odd. Never any time apart?"

"If I tell him I need a minute, he goes into another room. Not at work though. At work we are together."

Lance shrugged and took a sip of his scotch. "I can't actually say I blame him for that one."


"He was terrified, Gwen."

"I know. I just think that living like this is not going to work for the long term. He dragged me to work out with him yesterday. Me, working out. I mean, I love a good Pilates Reformer class, but his trainer is a masochist. There were weights involved."

Lance laughed. "There she is. There's my Gwen."

"Enough about this whole fucked up situation, which you hear about nonstop. Please, tell me something good."

He shifted on his feet and didn't look me in the eye. "I—I think I like someone."

Oh my God. "Fucking, at last. I mean look, I'm not thrilled about the age difference, but I think it’s amazing that clearly you two have a thing, and I think that if you're careful and maybe just give her some time before you progress too far, it might actually really work out. Two people I love the most. I mean—" I'd been prattling on, but I realized that Lance was giving me a stricken look, and he just looked ill.

"What are you talking about?"

I frowned and glanced around. "What are you talking about? You and Morgan, right?"

He reared back as if I'd slapped him. "Morgan? No, that's disgusting. She's eighteen."

"Oh, come on. She'll be nineteen in a another month. And like I said, she needs some time to have fun and be young and shit. But you’re only twenty-six. It's not the end of the world. I mean, I don't think you two should move in together or anything like that yet, but if you want to date my sister and see if this insane chemistry thing that you have going on is for real, I'm down with it. I love both of you."

He shook his head vehemently. "No. She's just a kid, and I've known her since she was a little kid. That's?—"

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