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“Uh huh.”

He groans, and unties my robe, standing back to look at me in the darkness. The shed has moonlight peeking through gaps in the old walls, our only light, and it waves over the slopes of my nearly naked body. “You’re beautiful.”

He can’t see it but I know I’m blushing. “Thank you, Ben.”

“Hold this,” he whispers, gaze shifting to watch me take the offered flower in my free hand. Now both are occupied and held away from us as his eyes lock onto my body, thick hands taking me by the wrists and planting them above my head against the wall. He holds one in place while reaching to touch me, fingers gentle as they travel down my chest and hesitate at the top of my cleavage, then slowly move downward to cup and mold my right breast over the ruby-red fabric. I moan and close my eyes, an ache in me beginning to pulse. He leans down and, lifting my breast, Ben kisses the mound of naked flesh above the flimsy cloth, making me sigh and press my body to his, hips against hips. Through his jeans I can feel he’s excited, and so large it gives me a sharp inhale of desire. He moves to my other breast, kisses the bare flesh, teasing my nipple through the fabric. I’m a size C, so I don’t have padding to block these sensations, and every kiss, every caress, drives me wild. The door opens and there stands his father. “Oh my God!” I gasp.

Ben slams my robe shut, protectively, straightening up like a shot.

“Shelby’s coming,” Jaxson says, raking a quick glance over the situation. “Hurry. She’s inside, wondering where you are.”

Ben growls, “Shit.”

I whisper, “Oh no!” and hold the sunflowers in front of my body like a shield. Jaxson blinks at them and instantly I feel bad for having pulled one from the ground of their beautiful property. It never occurred to me until now that it might not be right to have done so.

“We need to hide her,” Jaxson says, “Shelby’s looking specifically for Willow, Ben. And you. She went home and found you weren’t there. Put two and two of the probability together.”

“Let her come.”

“Not a good idea.” With a smirk of pride, Jaxson adds, “But I like your courage. We have guests, remember?”

“Dammit!” Ben grunts, dragging his hand over his face to get ahold of himself. He locks onto me. “Willow, go back to the jacuzzi. Is that okay?”

“Anything to help you!”

He kisses me right in front of his father! I’m wide-eyed, shock mixed with hope that this really is something special. I didn’t know how much I wanted that until right now. Everything else was instinct. This? This feels very possible, real, and scary.

I start to rush outside, whispering, “Thank you, Mr. Cocker.”

“Willow, wait.” Taking the flowers, he gingerly puts them on a shelf alongside tools. “She’ll know what these mean,” he says to Ben, and then walks out first with his hand up for us to wait for if the coast is clear. What these mean? Poking his head back in, Jaxson says, “Okay, now!”

I race out to the right, Jaxson and Ben to the left, and make it to the jacuzzi where I interrupt one hell of a kiss between Michelle and Marco. “Oh!” She cries out, extremely surprised to see my return.

I throw my robe onto the deck bench and climb in. “Did…anyone else come out here just now?”

Michelle frowns in confusion. “No one!”

“Good! I’ve been out here the whole time! Understand?”

They nod, and I slide deeper into the bubbles of jet streams, closing my eyes, totally and utterly overwhelmed.

Rachel and Shelby appear not ten seconds later, with the former visibly relieved to see the three of us casually enjoying the jacuzzi. Alone. “Hi!” Michelle smiles, and glances to me, correctly guessing the curly blonde is the reason for my lie. “Did you guys want to join us?”

I could kiss her right now! But there’s been enough kissing for one night!

Shelby walks around the hot tub, looking for what? Oh! Wet footprints. If Ben had been here, and had gotten out upon hearing she was here, there would be evidence on the wood deck.

Am I a piece of shit? This is terrible. I feel awful as she glares around our perimeter, a frown of frustration lodging between her brows as she comes up empty of a reason to believe he was here.

Rachel asks, “Shelby, what are you doing? Let’s leave them alone!”

“Sorry,” she mutters, following Rachel back the way they came. “Hold on!” She veers off, heading in the direction I came from — toward the shed!

Rachel stops her by grabbing her arm, “No, come inside. I’ll make you some tea.”

Rachel and I exchange a look and I can almost hear her say again, “For my grandson.”

Shelby looks between the two options, head swiveling. I silently exhale as she chooses the invitation.

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