Page 119 of Royal Mistake

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“Just don’t stay long. Not right now. It looks like you could use some rest.”

I glanced at the doctor, almost feeling guilty for the way I’d treated him before. Almost. “I’m pretty tough. Just take care of my fiancée.”

“Don’t worry. I have an entire team that will.”

He left us alone and I was forced to take a deep but shaky breath. There were no chairs, no windows, just a pod-sized area allowing her to begin recovery.

I moved to one side, taking her hand into mine. She was so damn cold. There were cuts on her face, maybe from the shattered windshield or because I’d broken the window. One eye was slightly swollen, her bottom lip cut but there were no other obvious outward signs she’d been in such a dangerous wreck.

Selena seemed so fragile even though I knew otherwise. She was one of the toughest women I’d ever met, reminding me of my mother’s resilience. But her bones were fragile, her veins and her lovely brain too, and some asshole had fucked with that, purposely trying to take her life. Why? Because she’d gotten too close?

That had to be the reason.

I pulled her hand to my lips, kissing it softly as I brushed hair from her eyes. She was so pale, her skin almost translucent. Seeing her this way was so difficult I closed my eyes briefly. I wasn’t a praying man but it felt like the right thing to do.

When I opened them again, her eyes were opened as well. Where before they weren’t focusing, I was now able to see her lovely pupils un-dilated.

“Hey, little cupcake. I was worried there for a while.” My throat threatened to close.

She darted her eyes back and forth, a single tear forming. “You… saved… me.”

Her voice was strained, raspy.

“Did you honestly think I wouldn’t?” After gathering the tear onto my fingertips, I continued stroking her hair, thankful she had enough strength to squeeze my hand.

At least Selena managed a smile. “Are you… okay?”

“Stop worrying about me. You need your rest. The doctor doesn’t want me staying long. But I’ll be here when they move you to a private room.”

When she gripped my hand forcefully, digging her nails into my skin, I was surprised.

“Listen to me.” She was ready to start coughing.

Another protective moment rushed into me as I glanced around for water. There was a small cup with some and even a straw. “You need some water. Hold on.” I grabbed it, sliding my hand under her head and lifting gently. “Take a few sips.” I was almost certain she was going to shove it away but thankfully she did what she was told.

When I eased her back, she licked her lips. “You need to listen. You could… be in… danger.”

After placing the cup back where it had been, I lowered my head so she didn’t need to struggle so hard. Her hand was firmly wrapped around mine, her breath hot.

And her words were clear.

There was no question about whether or not I was capable of murder.

It was going to happen.

And nothing and no one was going to stop me.



Vengeance is mine, sayeth the lord.


On this day, it belonged to me and me alone.

Whether or not I ended up in jail quite frankly didn’t matter any longer. All that did was wrapping my hands around the bastard’s throat.

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