Page 120 of Royal Mistake

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After what Selena had told me, Tony had brought the laptop to the hospital and after she was admitted to a room, I’d sat poring over what she’d already learned, finding even more. With Tony dispatched to protect her, my brothers and I had left the hospital in search of the bastard responsible.

Only the man behind the murder attempt, stealing money, working with a rival firm, and likely making grandiose promises hadn’t worked alone. He’d had a team behind him.

My brothers had tried to convince me that killing him or any of the others for that matter wasn’t in my best interest. However, I had a weapon with me. And plenty of ammunition. I suspected by now the bastard had decided to run so we were trying his house first. I had to wonder if he’d sent his wife away or had somehow managed to convince her that she was still the love of his life.

Then again, men like him used people for a living, including the girl who worked for Caldwell Michaels. The only good thing that had come out of this near tragic event was that Selena’s father had finally called, both her mom and dad showing up at the hospital before I’d left.

I was thankful for their connection as well as the company she’d have while I was gone. Even if I remained pissed at the man.

Family meant everything. I knew that now more than ever.

For so long I’d avoided being a part of Progressive Media, partially because it would have meant working with my father, I wished I could go back years.

Few people realized what they had until it was gone.

I had no further plans of wasting time but the need for retaliation was far too great.

Braxton had refused to allow me to drive, literally pushing me into the passenger seat. I’d fumed the entire time he’d driven while Gage was actively making phone calls from the backseat, doing everything he could to protect our employees in every location in the world as well as our finances.

The thefts alone had already cost us several million dollars, the funds likely secured inside some offshore account. The time it had taken, the amount of effort and coordination was incredible.

And to think from what I could tell, only a single board member remained not on the take.


Here I’d thought she could have been the one to sell out my father. Yeah, she was having a scandalous affair with Jameson, which is why he had inside intel, but who was I to judge anyone for their relationships? It wasn’t like I was an expert by any means. I’d happily leave her alone as long as she surrendered her position on the board. It was a good time to clean house.

And rebuild it with family first and foremost.

However, it appeared she’d tried to warn my father early on and he’d brushed off her concerns. The single email I’d accidentally run into had been from years before. Something must have been the catalyst for the man to flip loyalties. A sudden thought dawned in my mind. It was crazy but possible.

We’d take a huge financial hit as well as to our reputation, but I could handle that. After a few things Caldwell had said to both his daughter and to myself, and given his haggard look, especially when hearing about the poison, I had a feeling he’d be happy to talk merger. Or a direct buyout.

I’d make sure the man was more than comfortable in his retirement years.

He was also getting tested for the poison, his wife as well.

As would others inside both corporate offices.

Hopefully, the poison experts would find the cause of the poisoning but if not, I’d toss out everything in the entire building, have it fumigated and start the fuck over.

As long as I wasn’t in jail.

That still remained to be seen.

Braxton had barely pulled up to the curb when I was out of the car. The weapon was in my jacket pocket. I hadn’t changed since the accident, if anyone was stupid enough to call it that. I smelled like soot and sweat, the aches and pains finally pushing through the heightened adrenaline, but I didn’t give a shit.

Nothing was going to stop me.

Certainly not this fuck.

The inroads he’d made had been incredible. And I hadn’t been paying close enough attention. Damn it. If only my father had confided in me sooner, maybe none of this would have happened.

Or maybe I was fucking dreaming.

Sadly, my father had tried to call me more than once but the subject certainly wasn’t something that should be discussed over the phone.

Fuck it. Somehow, I’d keep his legacy going.

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