Page 118 of Royal Mistake

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Thoughts continued preying on my mind, some of them barely making any sense.

“I think I dropped your knife,” I said absently, uncertain why I had. But without it, I can’t imagine what would have happened.

“It was my favorite gift, but you know what? I’d give it up ten times over, bro.” Gage grasped my shoulder, shaking to try to get through to me. “She’s going to be okay.”

“She damn well better be or I won’t stop until the motherfucker is dead. Dead!” My voice was far too loud but I honestly didn’t give a shit.

“Try and calm down. Clear heads, remember? We will find the asshole,” Braxton added. “I’ve got feelers out with a few buddies of mine. Plus, the police are looking for the vehicle responsible.”

“Right,” I snickered. “They don’t give a shit. Not like I do. The fucker has likely dumped the vehicle by now or at minimum is hiding it.”

“Maybe so but we need to explore every avenue.” Braxton sighed. “You look like shit, by the way. You should get some medical attention.”

“I couldn’t care less what I look like. Fuck this shit, man.” The waiting was going to drive me to murder if nothing else did.

“Did you call her mother and father?” Braxton knew I didn’t want to hear the man’s name. He’d ignored his daughter’s calls. He’d acted as if she was nothing to him. And it pissed me off.

“Yeah, I had to leave her fucking father a message. I know I’m enemy number one, but to ignore his own daughter? Disgusting.”

“Fuck. You’re right. He’ll be sorry.” Braxton was as angry as I was.

I wanted to say yes, the man would be but I realized I was shifting completely off the deep end. As my mother would say, that’s what love did. Love. I’d finally found the perfect person that I could easily let my guard down around and she might die. Because of me. No. Because of fucking greed.

Gage stiffened. “Here comes the doctor. Stay cool.”

Cool. I wasn’t certain I had it in me.

I don’t know why it felt like I was about to face her death but when I turned around, noticing the doctor was scanning the crowd searching for us. I was surprised he’d come to find us given I’d almost given him a black eye.

When the doctor noticed me, the frown remained on his face. He was lucky he didn’t have bruises. That would have boded well for an article in the press.

“Shit,” Braxton whispered. “Take a deep breath, brother.”

I knew I was moving forward but could barely feel my feet.

“Mr. Royal,” the doctor said as a lame opening. I couldn’t remember his name, nor did I give a shit.

“How is she?”

“She’s much better than I’d feared. I waited until the scans came back. I was worried she’d need her spleen removed.” The doctor was obviously stressed.

“And?” Gage pushed.

“It appears the organ is only bruised, which can happen in car accidents. No other internal injuries were found. She’s a lucky lady.”

I glanced into his eyes. “Spinal cord?”

He actually smiled. “No. Just bumps, bruises, and a slight concussion. I want to keep her here overnight for observation but she’s a very lucky woman as I said. From what I heard, you saved her life.”

Both brothers clapped me on the back. “Can I see her?”

“Yes, you can. We’re waiting for a room to open up but she’s in a private area. I’ll show you where. Just…” Before he led me away, he gave me a stern look. “Just try not to yell at anyone and upset her. Okay?”

While I wasn’t certain I could make such a promise, I nodded, throwing both Braxton and Gage a look before following behind him.

The doctor led me through a maze of rooms where drapes dragging along the ceiling tracks provided the only real privacy. When he pulled one back, the sight of Selena with tubes in her arms, a blood pressure and oxygen monitor going, brought me back into another moment of rage.

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