Page 24 of Shore Leave

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Ugh, my inner voice can be stupid sometimes. As if I wasn’t torn up for three months after he up and disappeared.

I’ve given as much as I have to him, circumstances be damned, because I know I would regret it if I didn’t. Beyond how what happened made me feel, I know Kade is a good man.

And he’s helping find my sister.

The thought makes me squirm in my seat. I don’t like the idea of Jennifer being in danger or hurt, but I haven’t had a relationship with her for a long fucking time. I don’t know if I’ll ever get over the hurt she caused. I can’t envision a time when we have a solid sister relationship again.

Honestly, I’m not sure we ever had that kind of relationship.

We’re such different people and I know the differences in the way our parents treated us didn’t help. I was seen as the golden child and Jennifer was the troublemaker. Not that it did a lot of good in the end considering our parents disowned me because I wanted to follow my dreams.

Remembering Kade recounting the conversation he had with his mom makes fire rush through my veins. How can a mother treat their child like that? Especially after she used him for years.

I kind of hope I never meet the woman. I’m not sure I can be civil and that’s about all I could offer. There’s no way in hell I could be friendly.

A knock on the doorjamb to my space has me jerking back slightly and looking in that direction. I’m not sure what I expected since I don’t have another appointment in the books today, but seeing Lucifer standing there with concern in his eyes is not it.

I jump out of my chair and practically rush the man, “What’s going on? Is Kade okay?” My voice is strained and on the edge of panic even though I wince, “Jennifer?”

Lucifer gently grabs my shoulders and gives a squeeze of reassurance. “Everyone is fine, Emery, as far as I know. I know your man is just fine. Still out there trying to find some information on your sister.”

My nose scrunches up and I’m not entirely sure if it’s because Lucifer referred to Kade as my man or Jennifer as my sister. Are either of those things even true?

Before I can argue either point, Lucifer holds his hand up. “Don’t try to fight it. He is your man.”

I huff out a breath and concede, sullen as it may be, “Maybe.”

“I’ll let Driller convince you.” I would take offense to his words, but the twinkle in his eye and the challenge he’s laid at my feet have me kind of hoping that Kade can do exactly that. “I’m sure he’s already started his crusade.”

“And now he’s looking for Jen,” I murmur, thinking about the text he sent me earlier today to keep me updated on what he’s up to today. I’m sure it’s in reaction to not being able to contact me at all for three months, but I can’t deny that I’m not sure how I feel about him out looking for my sister because of our history.

“He is,” there’s a knowing in Lucifer’s voice that has me taking in the older man with a bit more scrutiny. “I hope you understand and can see that he’s only doing it for you.”

I sigh, feeling the weight of his words, knowing they’re true, wrapping around me. I’m suddenly feeling exhausted. When I wave my hand toward my tattoo chair, he takes a seat with a grateful smile.

“I know he is, but that doesn’t mean that I’ll forgive him for his fuck up just because he finds her.” Feeling bad about the truth of the matter, I admit, “I’m not all that invested in finding Jen. I’m not saying I want her to be in danger or hurt, but she’s made her own mistakes. Trust me, there have been a lot of them; a lifetime really. I don’t have a relationship with her. I was only there with Aunt Dot because she was worried, and I was going to support the only family I have in my corner.”

Lucifer nods slowly before cocking his head to the side. His tone is curious, not judgmental, “What about your parents?”

“I was always the good child, you know?” Something like pity fills the man’s eyes and I hate it. “She was the wild one. Honestly, I believed my parents were only interested in my happiness.”

“They were more interested in you living up to their opinion of success,” he throws out there.

My eyes widen in surprise, and I gasp, “How did you know?”

“It’s not uncommon especially considering my lifestyle. I’ve heard a similar story from brothers before. The good thing was that when they were looking for a place to belong and a family, they found the Devil’s Saints.”

Emotions overwhelm me and prick at the back of my eyes. I refuse to cry in front of this man, a man who screams power and understanding. I push back the feeling, not because I’m afraid to show weakness and be judged, but because I’m not sure I’ll be able to stop if I start.

“I’m glad they found a place to belong and people to have their back,” I mutter softly, feeling compassion and empathy for them while also feeling a little jealous for the lack of the same in my life.

“We’re your family too, Emery.”

I rear back slightly, his words delivered with so much gentle sincerity that I almost launch myself at him. He might be dangerous, and I have no doubt he’s enacted vengeance with his own hands, but I bet he also gives the best damn hugs.

Don’t ask me how I know—I just do.

“They didn’t appreciate my career choice,” I explain unnecessarily as I awkwardly wave around my space.

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